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Namespace: lang



This namespace is used for text and message localization related functions of Oracle Application Express.


(static) addMessages(pMessages)

Add messages for use by apex.lang.getMessage and the format functions. Can be called multiple times. Additional messages are merged. It is generally not necessary to call this function, because it is automatically called with all the application text messages that have attribute Used in JavaScript set to on.

Name Type Description
pMessages Object An object whose properties are message keys (names), and the values are localized message text.

This example adds a message with key "APPLY_BUTTON_LABEL" and message text "Apply".

apex.lang.addMessages( {
} );

(static) clearMessages()

Remove all messages. This method is rarely needed. Many Oracle Application Express components rely on client-side messages, so if you clear the messages you need to add any needed messages again.


This example removes all messages.


(static) format(pPattern, …pValues) → {string}

Formats a message. Same as apex.lang.formatMessage except the message pattern is given directly. It is already localized or isn't supposed to be. It is not a key. The replacement arguments are HTML escaped.

Name Type Attributes Description
pPattern string The message pattern.
pValues * <repeatable>
Any number of replacement values, one for each message parameter %0 to %9. Non string arguments are converted to strings.
The formatted message text.

This example returns "Total cost: $34.00" assuming the orderTotal variable equals "34.00".

apex.lang.format( "Total cost: $%0", orderTotal );

(static) formatMessage(pKey, …pValues) → {string}

Format a message. Parameters in the message, %0 to %9, are replaced with the corresponding function argument. Use %% to include a single %. The replacement arguments are HTML escaped.

Name Type Attributes Description
pKey string The message key. The key is used to lookup the localized message text as if with getMessage.
pValues * <repeatable>
Any number of replacement values, one for each message parameter %0 to %9. Non string arguments are converted to strings.
The localized and formatted message text. If the key is not found then the key is returned.

This example returns "Process 60% complete" when the PROCESS_STATUS message text is "Process %0%% complete" and the progress variable value is 60.

  apex.lang.formatMessage( "PROCESS_STATUS", progress );

(static) formatMessageNoEscape(pKey, …pValues) → {string}

Same as apex.lang.formatMessage except the replacement arguments are not HTML escaped. They must be known to be safe or will be used in a context that is safe.

Name Type Attributes Description
pKey string The message key. The key is used to lookup the localized message text as if with getMessage.
pValues * <repeatable>
Any number of replacement values, one for each message parameter %0 to %9. Non string arguments are converted to strings.
The localized and formatted message text. If the key is not found then the key is returned.

This example returns "You entered <ok>" when the CONFIRM message text is "You entered %0" and the inputValue variable value is "<ok>". Note this string must be used in a context where HTML escaping is done to avoid XSS vulnerabilities.

apex.lang.formatMessageNoEscape( "CONFIRM", inputValue );

(static) formatNoEscape(pPattern, …pValues) → {string}

Same as apex.lang.format, except the replacement arguments are not HTML escaped. They must be known to be safe or are used in a context that is safe.

Name Type Attributes Description
pPattern string The message pattern.
pValues * <repeatable>
Any number of replacement values, one for each message parameter %0 to %9. Non string arguments are converted to strings.
The formatted message text.

This example returns "You entered <ok>" when the inputValue variable value is "<ok>". Note this string must be used in a context where HTML escaping is done to avoid XSS vulnerabilities.

apex.lang.formatNoEscape( "You entered %0", inputValue );

(static) getMessage(pKey) → {string}

Return the message associated with the given key. The key is looked up in the messages added with the apex.lang.addMessages, apex.lang.loadMessages, or apex.lang.loadMessagesIfNeeded functions.

Name Type Description
pKey string The message key.
The localized message text. If the key is not found then the key is returned.

This example returns "OK" when the localized text for key OK_BTN_LABEL is "OK".

apex.lang.getMessage( "OK_BTN_LABEL" );

(static) hasMessage(pKey) → {boolean}

Return true if pKey exists in the messages added with the apex.lang.addMessages, apex.lang.loadMessages, or apex.lang.loadMessagesIfNeeded functions.

Name Type Description
pKey string The message key.
true if the given message exists and false otherwise.

This example checks for the existence of a message, "EXTRA_MESSAGE", before using it.

if ( apex.lang.hasMessage( "EXTRA_MESSAGE" ) ) {
    text += apex.lang.getMessage( "EXTRA_MESSAGE" );

(static) loadMessages(pMessageKeys) → {Promise}

Load additional messages from the server.

When an APEX page loads it automatically loads any text messages that have attribute Used in JavaScript set to on. This function is useful when there are strings that are not always needed on the client but can be loaded on demand.

Name Type Description
pMessageKeys Array.<string> An array of message keys (names) to load.
promise resolved (with no data) when messages are available, rejected (with no data) if the ajax request fails.

This example loads two additional text messages with names "MY_MESSAGE1" and "MY_MESSAGE2". Once they have been loaded it uses getMessage to get the message text.

var promise = apex.lang.loadMessages( ["MY_MESSAGE1", "MY_MESSAGE2"] );
promise.done(function() {
    var text = apex.lang.getMessage("MY_MESSAGE1");
    // use text somehow
}.fail(function() {
    apex.debug.error( "Could not get messages." );

(static) loadMessagesIfNeeded(pMessageKeys, pCallback)

Load additional messages from the server only if they are not already loaded.

When an APEX page loads it automatically loads any text messages that have attribute Used in JavaScript set to on. This function is useful when there are strings that are not always needed on the client but can be loaded on demand.

Name Type Description
pMessageKeys Array.<string> An array of message keys (names) that are needed by pCallback. These messages will be loaded if needed.
pCallback A no argument function that is called when all the keys have been loaded. If all the messages have already been loaded then this function is called right away.

This example code could be put in a Dynamic Action Execute JavaScript Code action that runs when a "More Details" button is pressed. It loads the "DETAILED_HELP_INFO" message and displays it in an alert.

apex.lang.loadMessage( ["DETAILED_HELP_INFO"], function() {
    apex.message.alert( apex.lang.getMessage( "DETAILED_HELP_INFO" );
} );