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Interface: item



The item interface is used to access methods and properties of an Oracle Application Express item. You get access to the item interface for a page or column item with the apex.item function.

An item interface can apply to either a page item or column item. Page items are items on the page backed by session state in any region. Column items are created by region types such as Interactive Grid that support editable columns. The state of a column item, including its value, changes according to the editing context (active record) of the region and is typically backed by data in an Oracle Application Express model.

Plug-in developers can define the behavior of their item by calling apex.item.create.


element :jQuery

The jQuery object for this item element. If the item doesn't exist then it is the empty jQuery object $(). This is primarily for plug-in developers.

  • jQuery

id :string|false

The id of the DOM element of the item. If the item doesn't exist then the value is false.

  • string | false

node :Element|false

The DOM element that best represents the value of the Oracle Application Express item. If the item doesn't exist then the value is false.

  • Element | false

The following code checks if the Oracle Application Express item P1_OPTIONAL_ITEM exists before setting its value. Use code similar to this if there is a possibility of the item not existing.

var item = apex.item( "P1_OPTIONAL_ITEM" );
if ( item.node ) {
    item.setValue( newValue );


addValue(pValue, pDisplayValueopt)

Adds the given value to the current list of values of an item that supports multiple values. Not all multi-valued items support this method.

Name Type Attributes Description
pValue string The value to be added.
pDisplayValue string <optional>
The display value, only if different from pValue and can't be determined by the item itself. Not all multi-valued items that support addValue will support this parameter.

In this example, the page item called P1_ITEM will have the value 100 added to the current list of values.

apex.item( "P1_ITEM" ).addValue( "100" );


Disables the Oracle Application Express item, making it unavailable for editing. Not all items support being disabled. This only applies to items that can be edited. See also item#enable.


In this example, the page item named P1_ITEM will be disabled and unavailable for editing.

apex.item( "P1_ITEM" ).disable();

displayValueFor(pValue, pState) → {string}

Returns the display value corresponding to the value given by pValue for the Oracle Application Express item. This method is intended for items that have both a value and display value, such as select lists.

If the item type does not have a display value distinct from the value then pValue is returned; meaning that the value is the display value. For item types that have a display value but don't have access to all possible values and display values then this function only works when pValue is the current value of the item. For the native items, this only applies to item type Popup LOV. For item types such as select lists that have access to all their values, if pValue is not a valid value then pValue is returned.

Name Type Description
pValue string The value to return the corresponding display value.
pState object Optional parameter used when items are associated with a model column to provide state information about the item value. Most item types don't use this parameter. It is mostly useful to item types that include markup in the returned display value.
Name Type Description
readonly boolean If true the column value is readonly.
disabled boolean If true the column value is disabled.
  • 5.1
The string display value corresponding to the given pValue as described above.

This example gets a display value from a select list item called P1_ITEM and displays it in an alert.

apex.message.alert( "The correct answer is: " + apex.item( "P1_ITEM" ).displayValueFor( "APPLES" ) );


Enables the Oracle Application Express item value that has been disabled, making it available for editing. Not all items support being disabled. This only applies to items that can be edited. See also item#disable.


In this example, the page item called P1_ITEM will be enabled and available for edit.

apex.item( "P1_ITEM" ).enable();

getValidationMessage() → {string}

Return a validation message if the Oracle Application Express item is not valid and empty string otherwise.

The message comes from the element's validationMessage property. An APEX extension allows specifying a custom message, which overrides the element's validationMessage, by adding a custom attribute named data-valid-message. If the item has this attribute then its value is returned if the item is not valid. As the name implies, the text of the message should describe what is expected of valid input, rather than what went wrong.

  • 5.1
A validation message, if the item is not valid and empty string otherwise.

See the example for item#getValidity for an example of this function.

getValidity() → {object}

Return a ValidityState object as defined by the HTML5 constraint validation API for the Oracle Application Express item. If a plug-in item implements its own validation then the object may not contain all the fields defined by HTML5. At a minimum it must have the valid property. If the item doesn't support HTML5 validation then it is assumed to be valid.

This function does not actually validate the item value. For many item types the browser can do the validation automatically if you add HTML5 constraint attributes such as pattern. Validation can be done using the HTML5 constraint validation API.

Developers rarely have a need to call this function. It is used internally by the client side validation feature. Item plug-in developers should ensure this function works with their plug-in.

  • 5.1
A ValidityState object as described above.

The following example displays a message in an alert dialog if the item called P1_ITEM is not valid.

var item = apex.item( "P1_ITEM" );
if ( !item.getValidity().valid ) {
    apex.message.alert( "Error: " + item.getValidationMessage() );

getValue() → {string|Array}

Returns the current value of an Oracle Application Express item. The initial value of a page item comes from session state when the server renders the page. The initial value of a column item comes from the corresponding field value of the active record of the Oracle Application Express model. This function always returns the current value of the item, which may have been changed by the user or with the item#setValue method since it was initialized.

There are two shorthand functions related to getValue. The $v function that returns an item's value in the string format it will be sent to the server. This will either be a single value, or if the item supports multiple values, will be a ':' colon separated list of values. The $v2 function, which is just a shortcut to getValue and returns either a single value, or an array of values. See also item#setValue.

Returns either a single string value or array of string values if the item supports multiple values (for example the 'Select List' with attribute 'Allow Multi Selection' set to ' Yes' or 'Shuttle' native item types).
string | Array

In this example, the current value of the page item called P1_ITEM will be shown in an alert.

apex.message.alert( "P1_ITEM value = " + apex.item( "P1_ITEM" ).getValue() );


Hides the Oracle Application Express item. When using the hide function, it is important to understand the following:

  • If the item being hidden is rendered on a page using table layout (meaning the page references a page template with Grid Layout Type set to 'HTML Table'), and the call to hide has specified to hide the entire table row (pHideRow = true), then it is assumed that everything pertaining to the item is contained in that row, and the entire row will be hidden.
  • If the item being hidden is rendered on a page using table layout, and the call to hide has specified not to hide the entire table row (pHideRow = false, or not passed), then the function will attempt to hide the item's label, where the for attribute matches the id of the item.
  • If the item being hidden is rendered on a page using grid layout (meaning the page references a page template with Grid Layout Type set to either 'Fixed Number of Columns', or 'Variable Number of Columns'), and the item references a Label template that includes a Field Container element with a known id (so where the Field Container > Before Label and Item attribute includes an HTML element with id="#CURRENT_ITEM_CONTAINER_ID#"), then it is assumed that everything pertaining to the item is contained in the Field Container, and this will be hidden.
  • If the item is a column item then just the column value is hidden. The exact behavior depends on the type of region. For example in Interactive Grid just the cell content is hidden not the whole column.

See also item#show.

Name Type Attributes Description
pHideRow boolean <optional>
This parameter is deprecated. This parameter is optional. The default value is false. If true, hides the nearest containing table row (TR). This parameter is not supported for column items. Its behavior is undefined. Only applicable when item is on a page using table layout (meaning the page references a page template with Grid Layout Type set to 'HTML Table').

In this example, the page item called P1_ITEM will be hidden. If P1_ITEM is on a page using grid layout and the item references a Label template that includes a Field Container element with a known ID (as detailed above), then that container element will be hidden. Otherwise just the item and its corresponding label will be hidden.

apex.item( "P1_ITEM" ).hide();

isChanged() → {boolean}

Determine if the value of this item has changed since it was first initialized. Return true if the current value of the Oracle Application Express item has changed and false otherwise. Developers rarely have a need to call this function. It is used internally by the Warn on Unsaved Changes feature. Item Plug-in developers should ensure this function works so that the Warn on Unsaved Changes feature can support their plug-in.
  • 5.1
true if the item value has changed and false otherwise.

The following example determines if the value of item P1_ITEM has been changed.

if ( apex.item( "P1_ITEM" ).isChanged() ) {
    // do something

isDisabled() → {boolean}

Returns the disabled state of an item.
  • 5.1
true if the item is disabled and false otherwise.

This example gets the value of an item, but only if it is not disabled.

var value = null;
if ( !apex.item( "P1_ITEM" ).isDisabled() ) {
    value = apex.item( "P1_ITEM" ).getValue();

isEmpty() → {boolean}

Returns true or false if an Oracle Application Express item is empty and considers any item value consisting of only whitespace including space, tab, or form-feed, as empty. This also respects if the item type uses a List of Values, and a 'Null Return Value' has been defined in the List of Values. In that case, the 'Null Return Value' is used to assert if the item is empty.
true if the Oracle Application Express item is empty and false otherwise.

In this example, the call to .isEmpty() determines if the page item called P1_ITEM is empty, and if so displays an alert.

if ( apex.item( "P1_ITEM" ).isEmpty() ) {
    apex.message.alert( "P1_ITEM empty!" );


Call to refresh the item. What it means for an item to be refreshed depends on the item. Not all items support refresh. Typically an item such as a select list that has a list of options will refresh the available options from the server. In most cases it is not necessary to call this method directly because the declarative Cascading LOV Parent Items takes care of it automatically.


The following example will cause the P1_ITEM select list page item to fetch its options from the server.

apex.item( "P1_ITEM" ).refresh();


Removes the given value from the current list of values of an item that supports multiple values. Not all multi-valued items support this method.

Name Type Attributes Description
pValue string <optional>
The value to be removed. The behavior when no value is given is item specific. For example it may remove the currently selected or focused item or items or may do nothing at all.

In this example, the page item called P1_ITEM will have the value 100 removed from the current list of values.

apex.item( "P1_ITEM" ).removeValue( "100" );


Places user focus on the Oracle Application Express item, taking into account how specific items are designed to receive focus.


In this example, user focus is set to the page item named P1_ITEM.

apex.item( "P1_ITEM" ).setFocus();

setStyle(pPropertyName, pPropertyValue)

Sets a style for the Oracle Application Express item, taking into account how specific items are designed to be styled.

Note: Using setStyle is not a best practice. It is better to add or remove CSS classes and use CSS rules to control the style of items. Also keep in mind that the exact markup of native and plug-in items can change from one release to the next.

Name Type Description
pPropertyName string The CSS property name that will be set.
pPropertyValue string The value used to set the CSS property.

In this example, the CSS property color will be set to red for the page item called P1_ITEM.

apex.item( "P1_ITEM" ).setStyle( "color", "red" );

setValue(pValue, pDisplayValueopt, pSuppressChangeEventopt)

Sets the Oracle Application Express item value. This function sets the current value of the item. For page items the session state is not affected until the page is submitted (or the item is explicitly saved to the server using ajax or a dynamic action). For column items the region such as Interactive Grid takes care of writing the value back to the Oracle Application Express model when appropriate.

Normally a change event is explicitly triggered on the item node when the value is set. This allows cascading LOV functionality and dynamic action change events to work. The caller may suppress the change event for the item being set, if needed. The change event should be suppressed when the value is set while processing a change event triggered on the same item, to prevent an infinite loop. The grid widget relies on the change event to update the model. If you suppress the change event on a column item you may need to call the grid#setActiveRecordValue method.

There is a shorthand function for setValue $s. See also item#getValue.

Name Type Attributes Description
pValue string | Array.<string> The value to set. For items that support multiple values (for example a 'Shuttle'), an array of string values can be passed to set multiple values at once.
pDisplayValue string <optional>
The display value, only if different from pValue and can't be determined by the item itself. For example, for the item type Popup LOV when the display value and return value are different, this parameter sets the display value while the pValue parameter sets the hidden return value.
pSuppressChangeEvent boolean <optional>
Pass true to prevent the change event from being triggered for the item being set. The default is false.

In this example, the value of the page item called P1_ITEM will be set to 10. As pSuppressChangeEvent has not been passed, the default behavior of the change event triggering for P1_ITEM will occur.

apex.item( "P1_ITEM" ).setValue( "10" );

In this example, P1_ITEM is a Popup LOV page item with distinct display and return values. The display value of P1_ITEM will be set to SALES, and the hidden return value will be set to 10. As true has been passed for the pSuppressChangeEvent parameter, the change event will not trigger for the P1_ITEM item.

apex.item( "P1_ITEM" ).setValue( "10", "SALES", true );

This example shows how to suppress the change event when there is no display value.

apex.item( "P1_ITEM" ).setValue( "10", null, true );


Shows the Oracle Application Express item. When using the show function, it is important to understand the following:

  • If the item being shown is rendered on a page using table layout (meaning the page references a page template with Grid Layout Type set to 'HTML Table'), and the call to show has specified to show the entire table row (pShowRow = true), then it is assumed that everything pertaining to the item is contained in that row, and the entire row will be shown.
  • If the item being shown is rendered on a page using table layout, and the call to show has specified not to show the entire table row (pShowRow = false, or not passed), then the function will attempt to show the item's label, where the for attribute matches the id of the item.
  • If the item being shown is rendered on a page using grid layout (meaning the page references a page template with Grid Layout Type set to either 'Fixed Number of Columns', or 'Variable Number of Columns'), and the item references a Label template that includes a Field Container element with a known id (so where the Field Container > Before Label and Item attribute includes an HTML element with id="#CURRENT_ITEM_CONTAINER_ID#"), then it is assumed that everything pertaining to the item is contained in the Field Container, and this will be shown.
  • If the item is a column item then just the column value is shown. The exact behavior depends on the type of region. For example, in Interactive Grid just the cell content is shown not the whole column.

See also item#hide.

Name Type Attributes Description
pShowRow boolean <optional>
This parameter is deprecated. This parameter is optional. The default if not specified is false. If true, shows the nearest containing table row (TR). This parameter is not supported for column items. Its behavior is undefined. Only applicable when item is on a page using table layout (meaning the page references a page template with Grid Layout Type set to 'HTML Table').

In this example, the page item called P1_ITEM will be shown. If P1_ITEM is on a page using grid layout and the item references a Label template that includes a Field Container element with a known ID (as detailed above), then that container element will be shown. Otherwise just the item and its corresponding label will be shown.

apex.item( "P1_ITEM" ).show();