Order Recognition Rule Editor Transformation Tab

Use the Transformation tab to define the order priority, reference, and data rules.

Field Use

Order Priority

Enter a digit, an XQuery expression, or a pointer to denote how OSM will set the priority of the incoming order. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls.

Enter a digit or define an XQuery that evaluates to an order priority number between 0 and 9 inclusive, with 9 being the highest priority. If you do not define a priority, the OSM server sets the order priority to 5.

For example, you might define data-driven rules to set the order priority of incoming orders based on one or a set of property values in the incoming message.

See "About Recognition, Validation, and Transformation Rules" and "About Order Priority XQuery Expressions" for more information.

Order Reference

Enter an XQuery expression or a pointer to a rule that evaluates to an order reference number. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls.

The order reference is a specific order header field on an OSM order. It can be used for storing cross-referencing information from other systems. The Order Reference transformation generates data for this header field.

See "About Recognition, Validation, and Transformation Rules" and "About Order Reference XQuery Expressions" for more information.

Order Data Rule

Enter an XQuery expression or a pointer to a rule that augments incoming order data. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls.

For example, to add data to the order that is not included in the input message, you can configure XQuery rules to extract that data and add it to the creation task.

Note: The Order Data Rule is for generating creation task data that is outside of the ControlData structure.

See "About Recognition, Validation, and Transformation Rules" and "About Order Data Rule XQuery Expressions" for more information.