UTIA REST Endpoints

UTIA Schemas
AutoSuggest search by Device Identifier
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/ui/autosuggest/device/deviceidentifier
AutoSuggest search by ID
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/ui/autosuggest/{entityType}/id
AutoSuggest search by Location Code
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/ui/autosuggest/location/locationcode
AutoSuggest search by Name
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/ui/autosuggest/{entityType}
AutoSuggest search by static column data
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/ui/autosuggest/static/{entityType}
Cancel running rebuild fallout event Jobs
Method: delete
Path: /topology/v2/fallout/events/rebuild/jobs
Create a Color Preference
Method: post
Path: /topology/v2/ui/color/preferences
Create a Icon Preference
Method: post
Path: /topology/v2/ui/icons/preferences
Create a new Edge
Method: post
Path: /topology/v2/edge
Create a new Profile
Method: post
Path: /topology/v2/profile
Create a new Profile Edge
Method: post
Path: /topology/v2/profileEdge
Create a new Profile Vertex
Method: post
Path: /topology/v2/profileVertex
Create a New Vertex
Method: post
Path: /topology/v2/vertex
Create a Saved Search
Method: post
Path: /topology/v2/ui/savedsearch
Create an Event
Method: post
Path: /topology/v2/vertex/event
Delete a fallout Event
Method: delete
Path: /topology/v2/fallout/events/eid/{eid}
Delete all existing Color Preferences
Method: delete
Path: /topology/v2/ui/color/preferences/createduser/{createdUser}
Delete all existing Icon Preferences
Method: delete
Path: /topology/v2/ui/icons/preferences/createduser/{createdUser}
Delete all existing uploaded custom Icons
Method: delete
Path: /topology/v2/ui/icons/delete
Delete an existing Color Preference
Method: delete
Path: /topology/v2/ui/color/preferences/id/{preferenceId}
Delete an existing custom Icon
Method: delete
Path: /topology/v2/ui/icons/delete/id/{id}
Delete an existing edge based on the entityId
Method: delete
Path: /topology/v2/edge/eid/{eid}
Delete an existing edge based on the fromNode and the toNode
Method: delete
Path: /topology/v2/edge/fromnode/{fromnode}/tonode/{tonode}
Delete an existing edge based on typeId and referenceId
Method: delete
Path: /topology/v2/edge/typeid/{typeid}/referenceid/{referenceid}
Delete an existing Icon Preference
Method: delete
Path: /topology/v2/ui/icons/preferences/id/{preferenceId}
Delete an existing Profile nodes and edges
Method: delete
Path: /topology/v2/profile/data/eid/{eid}
Delete an existing Saved Search
Method: delete
Path: /topology/v2/ui/savedsearch/{id}
Delete an existing Vertex
Method: delete
Path: /topology/v2/vertex/eid/{eid}
Delete an existing Vertex based on typeId and referenceId
Method: delete
Path: /topology/v2/vertex/typeid/{typeid}/referenceid/{referenceid}
Deletes fallout events
Method: delete
Path: /topology/v2/fallout/events
Deletes fallout events
Method: delete
Path: /topology/v2/fallout/events/eid
Fetch GraphData based on entityType and entityid
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/tmf/resourceadapter/edge/paths/{entityType}/{eid}
Fetch Physical Connectors based on id and resource type
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/tmf/resourceadapter/{resourceType}/{id}/physicalConnectors
Fetch Physical Ports based on id and resource type
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/tmf/resourceadapter/{resourceType}/{id}/physicalPorts
Fetch Resource details based on id
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/tmf/resourceadapter/id/{id}
Get a fallout event
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/fallout/events/eid/{eid}
Get a saved search by ID
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/ui/savedsearch/{id}
Get all the Color preferences
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/ui/color/preferences/createduser/{createdUser}
Get all the Icon preferences
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/ui/icons/preferences/createduser/{createdUser}
Get all the saved searches
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/ui/savedsearch
Get fallout events
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/fallout/events
Get fallout events summary
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/fallout/events/summary
Get the list of a network subnetworks
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/ui/network/{network}/subnetworks
Internal API to fetch Network graph details based on id
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/tmf/resourceadapter/network/id/{id}
ReSubmit fallout events
Method: post
Path: /topology/v2/fallout/events/resubmit
Retrieve a list of communication edges
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/edge/communication
Retrieve a list of communication edges in a network
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/edge/communication/network/{network}
Retrieve a list of communication edges terminated on a location
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/edge/communication/location/eid/{loceid}
Retrieve a list of communication edges terminated on a network entity code
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/edge/communication/nec/eid/{neceid}
Retrieve a list of communication edges within a specific distance of a device
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/edge/communication/center-vertex/eid/{eid}
Retrieve a list of communication edges, nodes and alarms in a network
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/edge/network/{network}
Retrieve a list of containment edges
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/edge/containment
Retrieve a list of edges
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/edge
Retrieve a list of Edges
Method: post
Path: /topology/v2/edge/edges
Retrieve a list of edges using a list of entity ids
Method: post
Path: /topology/v2/edge/eids
Retrieve a list of Vertices
Method: post
Path: /topology/v2/vertex/eids
Retrieve a list of Vertices
Method: post
Path: /topology/v2/vertex/vertices
Retrieve Active Events based on device entityId
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/vertex/device/eid/{entityId}/events
Retrieve alarm types that needs to be excluded while doing path analysis
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/graph/excludeAlarmTypes
Retrieve All Edges
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/graph/edge
Retrieve all existing Custom Icons
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/ui/icons
Retrieve All Vertices
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/graph/vertex
Retrieve All Vertices
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/vertex
Retrieve an existing Edge based on entityId
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/edge/eid/{eid}
Retrieve an existing Edge based on entityId
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/graph/edge/eid/{eid}
Retrieve an existing Edge based on typeId and referenceId
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/edge/typeid/{typeid}/referenceid/{referenceid}
Retrieve an existing Profile reference id based on service and version
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/profile/referenceId/service/id/{id}/version/{version}
Retrieve an existing Vertex based on entityId
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/graph/vertex/eid/{eid}
Retrieve an existing Vertex based on entityId
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/vertex/eid/{eid}
Retrieve an existing Vertex based on entityId
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/vertex/id/{id}
Retrieve an existing Vertex based on typeId and Id
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/vertex/typeid/{typeid}/id/{id}
Retrieve an existing Vertex based on typeId and referenceId
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/vertex/typeid/{typeid}/referenceid/{referenceid}
Retrieve an related device edges based on the device entityId and edge label
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/edge/device/eid/{eid}
Retrieve Child Vertices based on entityId
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/vertex/device/eid/{eid}/children
Retrieve cost mappings on communication edge
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/graph/costMapping
Retrieve Event Type values
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/vertex/event/config/{type}
Retrieve Parent Vertices based on entityId
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/vertex/device/eid/{eid}/parents
Retrieve paths that are matching the search criteria, mentioned in the form of properties in request
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/graph/paths
Retrieve paths that are matching the search criteria, mentioned in the form of properties in request
Method: post
Path: /topology/v2/graph/paths
Retrieve Profile based on type id and reference id
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/profile/typeid/{typeid}/referenceid/{referenceid}
Retrieve service configuration versions based on service id and autosuggest version number
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/profile/service/id/{id}/version/{version}
Retrieve service displayInfo based on autosuggest name
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/profile/service/name/{name}
Retrieve shortest path from source to destination
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/graph/shortest-path/source/{src}/destination/{dest}
Retrieve the count of Edges
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/graph/edge/count
Retrieve the count of Vertices
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/graph/vertex/count
Retrieve the event based on entityId
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/vertex/event/eid/{eid}
Retrieve the graph for a list of devices
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/ui/device/list
Retrieve the graph for a list of locations
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/ui/location/list
Retrieve the graph for a network
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/ui/network/{network}
Retrieve the graph for a single connectivity
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/ui/connectivity/{eid}
Retrieve the graph for a specific device
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/ui/device/{eid}
Retrieve the graph for a specific location
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/ui/location/{eid}
Retrieve the graph for the connectivity list
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/ui/connectivity/list
Retrieve the location hierarchy down
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/edge/vertex/eid/{eid}/hierarchy
Retrieve Vertices within distance
Method: get
Path: /topology/v2/vertex/distant/eid/{eid}
Schedule rebuild fallout event jobs
Method: post
Path: /topology/v2/fallout/events/rebuild/jobs
Update a fallout event
Method: put
Path: /topology/v2/fallout/events/eid/{eid}
Update an existing Color Preference
Method: put
Path: /topology/v2/ui/color/preferences/id/{preferenceId}
Update an existing Edge
Method: put
Path: /topology/v2/edge
Update an existing Event
Method: put
Path: /topology/v2/vertex/event
Update an existing Icon Preference
Method: put
Path: /topology/v2/ui/icons/preferences/id/{preferenceId}
Update an existing Profile
Method: put
Path: /topology/v2/profile
Update an existing Saved Search
Method: put
Path: /topology/v2/ui/savedsearch/{id}
Update an existing Vertex
Method: put
Path: /topology/v2/vertex
Update cost of existing edge
Method: patch
Path: /topology/v2/edge/eid/{eid}
Update cost of existing edge
Method: patch
Path: /topology/v2/edge/typeid/{typeid}/referenceid/{referenceid}
Upload a custom Icon
Method: post
Path: /topology/v2/ui/icons/upload