Page Elements

When you sign into Oracle Utilities Analytics Insights, you are taken to the Filter Results Dashboard. The dashboard displays a list of entities available based on selected filters. An entity is any point or item that can be displayed on the dashboard and analyzed, such as for example, meters and line transformers. Selecting the ID of an entity in the dashboard opens the Detailed Data Dashboard for that entity.

On this page:

Filter Results Dashboard

The Filter Results Dashboard is the first page you see after signing into the user interface. The following are images and descriptions of the dashboard.

Note: The following image displays the interface for a power user. Only power users will see the Administer or Manage menu items.

Main dashboard screen

Dashboard Descriptions

The following are descriptions of the various sections on the Filter Results dashboard.

Image Number | Element Description

1 | Heading

The heading is visible on every page as you navigate the user interface and includes the following elements:

  • Role: You can select the desired module and role from the Role drop-down list. See Administer Roles for more information.
  • Help: Opens help documentation.
  • Get Shareable Link: Opens a dialog box where you can copy the URL of the current page and send it to another person.
  • Current User: Displays the current user. There is a drop-down arrow next to the current user that includes:
    • About: Displays the version number, followed by the daily core version numbers.
    • Sign Out: Signs the current user out of the user interface.


2 | Current Page Name of the current page.

3 | Menu Bar

The menu bar is located at the bottom of the screen and visible on every page throughout the user interface. Menu options are visible based on user permissions. For example, only power users have access to the Manage and Administer menu options.

4 | Filters

In the filters section, you can select a point type from the Point Type Code drop-down. You can also filter meters using Simple, Algorithm or Advanced filters by clicking More Filters.

5 | Filter Results

This section displays all entities available to you based on the Point Type Code and filter selections. The Filter Results section has several columns which include a column that displays the ID of an entity, for example, Meter ID or Line Transformer ID. Click one of the ID numbers to open the Data Dashboard for that entity. It also includes the Work Order List column. This column will display the name of a list on which the entity is included. A list is a group of entities experiencing the same issues. Export: You can export filter results by clicking the Export icon.

6 | History

Use the History tab, located on the right side of the page, to quickly access recently viewed entities.

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Data Dashboard

When you open one of the entities from the Filter Results Dashboard, the Data Dashboard opens. This dashboard gives you detailed information about the entity.

Note: The following image displays the interface for a power user. Only power users can see the Administer or Manage menu items.

The following is an image of the Data Dashboard:

Dashboard Descriptions

The following are descriptions of the three main areas of the Data Dashboard.

Image Number | Element Description

1 | Heading

The heading includes:

  • Entity Type and ID: Displays the entity type (for example, Electric Meter) and its ID number.
  • Details: Opens a dialog box that gives you more information about the entity, such as Events, Algorithms, Attributes, Relations, Numeric Attributes and Segments.
  • Navigation Buttons: You can use the Back button to return to the previous page, and use the Previous and Next arrows to navigate to the next or previous entity from the Filter Results list.
  • Date Controls: Date controls allow you to select date-time boundaries for the data that is displayed. These controls are made up of the quick date selection buttons, Date/Calendar controls, and navigation arrows. See Date Controls for more information.
  • Work Order: You can use the Work Order button to view the work order history of the entity, mute or unmute work orders, add the entity to a list, give feedback, or submit a new work order.


2 | Data Info Panel The Data Info Panel includes three tabs: Info, Algorithm, and Notes. See Data Dashboard for more information.

3 | Data Panels

You can access several data panels to give you in-depth details about the entity. See Data Panels for more information.

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