How to Create a New Component-Based Rate
The following describes the major steps to set up a component-based rate.
Create a rate schedule for the rate. Refer to Setting Up A Rate Schedule for more information.
Set up a rate version to establish the earliest effective date of the rate. Refer to Defining Rate Versions for more information. We recommend that you set the status of the rate version to In Progress while you're working on the rate.
Set up rate components to define the rate version's calculation rules. Refer to Defining Rate Components and Rate Version Merge for more information.
After all rate components have been setup, return to Rate Version - Main and change the rate version's status to Validated. At this point, you can use Rate Check to test the rate version.
After you have checked the rate, return to the Rate Version - Main and change the status to Finished. This allows the rate to be used by billing.
Define the various SA types that can use the rate. You do this by referencing the rate on SA Type - Rate . Note that only primary rate schedules may be referenced on SA Types.