Regular (Non Interval) Meter Configuration Maintenance

The following discussion describes how the Meter Configuration page behaves for regular (non interval) meters.


A meter is viewed as being an interval meter if its meter type indicates interval registers are allowed.

Description of Page

The following meter configuration information is displayed at the top of the page:

Meter Configuration The description of the meter type concatenated with the meter's badge number, the meter configuration effective date, the description of the meter configuration type and the number of registers.

Meter Configuration ID This is a system-generated unique identifier for the meter configuration. This value is assigned when the meter configuration is added to the database.

Meter ID The system-generated unique identifier for the meter.

Effective Date / Time Defines the date and time the configuration becomes effective.

Meter Configuration Type Controls the types of registers that may be defined on this meter configuration. When you select a meter configuration type, the system defaults these attributes in the register grid. Refer to Setting Up Meter Configuration Types for more information.

The Registers accordion contains information about the meter configuration's registers. To modify existing register information, click on the register's summary bar and then move to a field and change its value. To add a new register, click the + button in the accordion to insert a row then fill in the information for each field. The following fields display:

  • Sequence defines the relative physical position of the register with respect to the other registers, if any.
  • Use Unit of Measure (UOM) to define the unit of measure in which the register is calibrated.
  • Use Time of Use (TOU)to define the time-of-use code, if any, that specifies a particular time of day during which the register measures consumption.
  • Register Constant is used to derive billable consumption. Measured consumption is multiplied by this number to derive billable consumption.
  • Use Consumptive/Subtractive to define how the system calculates consumption from the register's meter reads. For Subtractive registers, the system has to subtract the previous read from the current read. For Consumptive registers, the dial reading indicates how much was consumed and no subtraction is necessary.
  • Most of your registers will be set to Subtractive unless you sell electricity. For most electric meters, kWh registers will be set to Subtractive, and kW meters will be set to Consumptive.
  • Use How To Use to control how billing uses the consumption from the register. Use Additive if billing adds the register's consumption to other register's consumption (with the same UOM and TOU value). Use Subtractive if billing subtracts the register's consumption from other register's consumption (with the same UOM and TOU value). Use Peak if billing compares this register's consumption against other register's consumption (with the same UOM and TOU value) and uses the higher consumption value. Use Check if billing ignores the consumption associated with this register.
  • Most of your registers will be set to Additive unless you sell electricity. On electric meters, kWh registers will be set to Additive , kW meters will be set to Peak.
  • Use Digits Left and Digits Right to define the number of digits to the left and right of decimal place. This information is used to validate meter readings to ensure they do not exceed the dial's capacity.
  • Full Scale is typically only specified on demand meters (but can be specified on any type). It is downloaded to the meter reading devices so they can warn the reader if the resulting consumption is close to or exceeds the register's maximum capacity.
  • Read Out Type defines how the readings are displayed on the register.
  • Protocol defines how the register is read.
  • Tolerance is typically only specified on demand meters (but can be specified on any type). It is downloaded to the meter reading devices so they can warn the reader if the resulting consumption is close to or exceeds the tolerance of the register.
  • Channel ID is used to record an external id that may exist for the register.
  • Register ID is the unique system-assigned identifier of the register. This value is allocated when the register is added to the database. Note, the adjacent context menu is disabled for non-interval registers.


The Characteristics collection on the Meter Configuration page contains information that describes miscellaneous information about the meter configuration.

The following fields display:

Characteristic Type Indicate the type of characteristic.

Sequence Controls the order in which characteristics of the same type are displayed.

Characteristic Value Indicate the value of the characteristic.