How Does A Field Activity Type Profile Get Used?

A field activity type profile contains:

  • A list of field activity types that can be performed at service points.
  • Matrices defining the specific activity type(s) to generate in order to start service, stop service, or disconnect due to non-payment.

You may wonder how field activity type profiles get related to your service points. It's a little indirect, but the indirection provides a great deal of flexibility:

  • Every service point references an SP type.
  • Every SP type references the specific field activity type profile used by the start/stop and credit and collections process to generate field activities.

An example will help illustrate how this works:

  • When you start service at a specific service point, the system extracts the service point's SP type.
  • Then, the system determines the field activity type profile that is to be used on this SP type.
  • Then, the system determines the state of the service point (e.g., connected, no meter).
  • And finally, it generates the appropriate field activity.