Configuring Property Files

The property or Config file is located where the jar file exists. Copy the Config file to the location of the jar file. Refer to the Deploying the Jar File section for information about the folder.

Configuring the property file is a one-time step by the Administrator to set up the synchronization process. The property file consists of input parameters required for the GIS Extractor program to establish a connection to the Geodatabase.

The parameters to be configured in the property file are:

  • keyDBServer — Database server name
    • Example:

  • keyDBInstance — Database instance name
    • Example: sde:oracle11g:WAMV2200DEV

  • keyDBName - Database name
    • Example: WAMV2200DEV

  • keyDBUser - Database username
    • Example: sde

  • keyDBPwd — Database user password
  • keyUsername - ArcGIS Server username to generate security token
    • Example: siteadmin

  • keyPassword - ArcGIS Server user password
    • siteadmin

  • keyExpiration - Token Expiration duration in seconds
    • Example: 60