Subject Line, Header, and Footer

The subject line and header are used to engage the customer and brand the communication. The footer provides customers with links to manage preferences and unsubscribe from the email channel. It also contains the utility address, necessary legal text, and optional app download and social media links. The user experience varies by report type.

Appears in: All report types.

On this page:


Utility Requirements



Required Cloud Service

Energy Efficiency


Not applicable.

Customer Requirements



Billing Frequency

Not applicable.

Data Delivery Frequency

Not applicable.

Data Requirements

Not applicable

Data History

Data History: For the Promotion Report Header, a minimum of six bills is required for non-AMI customers, and a minimum of 60 days of AMI reads is required for AMI customers.

Data Coverage

Not applicable.

Supported Fuels

Not applicable.

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User Experience

This section describes the user experiences for the various report types.

Subject Line

The subject line is designed by Oracle Utilities to engage customers. All subject lines include a customer’s name, as our research has shown that including the customer's name results in a higher open rate.

Progress Report: Utilities have the choice of using a standard default subject line each time "[ first name, last name] Your Home Energy Report is here" or choosing a dynamic subject lines that vary based on customer state.

Promotional Report: The subject line varies by disaggregation category. For example, it may show the customer's name and ask how much they are spending on a disaggregation category such as heating, cooling, or appliances.

Welcome Report: "[first name], check out your new Home Energy Report"

Limited Income Report: The subject line varies by report type.

  • Limited Income Welcome Report: "[first name], check out your new Home Energy Report"
  • Limited Income Progress Report: Utilities have the choice of using a standard default subject line each time "[ first name, last name] Your Home Energy Report is here" or choosing dynamic subject lines that vary based on customer state.

Seasonal Report: The default subject line is designed to shift the customer's focus to seasonal energy efficiency. "Hi [ first name, last name], see how much energy you used last [winter/summer]"

Annual Report: The default subject line is designed to shift the customer's focus to their energy use over the last calendar year. "[first name, last name], here’s your [YYYY] Energy Lookback"

Time of Use Report: The default subject lines are designed to acknowledge the time of use plan experience. The subject line varies by report type.

  • Time of Use Welcome Report: "[first name], check out the new Home Energy Report"
  • Time of Use Progress Report: "[ first name, last name] Your Home Energy Report is here"

Solar Report: The Solar Report includes a static subject line that emphasizes that the customer is part of a solar report experience. The subject line varies by report type.

  • Solar Welcome Report: "Hi [first name] your Home Energy Report for solar households is here"
  • Solar Progress Report: "Hi [first name], your Home Energy Report is here"

Electric Vehicle Report: Utilities have the choice of using a standard default subject line each time "[ first name, last name] Your Home Energy Report is here."

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The report headers are distinct and appear at the top of each communication. The header of the Promotion Report header highlights three end-uses in the customer's home where their use is the highest or they may benefit from making behavioral changes and taking advantage of a utility-offered promotion. The rest of the reports provide colorful introductions to the report.

Appears in: All report types.

Progress Report

This image is an example of the header for the Progress Report, Limited Income Progress Report, and Time of Use Progress Report.

Image of a Progress Report  header

Logo: A logo provided by the utility. This is the same logo used in the Energy Efficiency Web Portal.

Utility Account Number: Since the account number is required to register on the Energy Efficiency Web Portal, having the number on the report provides a useful reference for customers. Part of the account number is obscured by default.

Progress Introduction: The progress introduction provides a colorful introduction to the report. It includes the customer's name, program introduction, and report name.

Promotion Report

This image is an example of the Promotion Report header.

Image of a Promotion Report  header

Logo: A logo provided by the utility.

Utility Account Number: The inclusion of the account number makes the report more credible and signals that this is in fact a communication from the Utility. Part of the account number is obscured by default.

Promotion Introduction: The Promotion Introduction highlights three end-uses in the customer home where their use is the highest or they may benefit from making behavioral changes and taking advantage of a utility-offered promotion.

Welcome Report

This image is an example of the Welcome Report, Limited Income Welcome Report, and Time of Use Welcome Report header.

Image of a Welcome Report, Limited Income Welcome Report, and Time of Use Welcome Report header

Logo: A logo provided by the utility.

Utility Account Number: The inclusion of the account number makes the report more credible and signals that this is in fact a communication from the Utility. Part of the account number is obscured by default.

Welcome Introduction: The welcome introduction image provides a colorful introduction to the report. It includes the customer's name, program introduction, and report name. The word "new" is included in the to emphasize that this is a welcome experience.

Seasonal Report

These images are examples of the Seasonal Report headers.

Winter Seasonal Report Summer Seasonal Report
Image of a winter seasonal report Image of a summer seasonal report

Logo: A logo provided by the utility.

Utility Account Number: The inclusion of the account number makes the report more credible and signals that this is in fact a communication from the Utility. Part of the account number is obscured by default.

Seasonal Introduction: The image provides a colorful introduction to the report deigned to motivate customers to reduce their energy use in the lead up to the extreme weather seasons of summer and winter.

Annual Report

This image is an example of the Annual Report header.

Image of a Annual Report header

Logo: A logo provided by the utility.

Utility Account Number: The inclusion of the account number makes the report more credible and signals that this is in fact a communication from the utility. Part of the account number is obscured by default.

Annual Introduction: The image provides a colorful introduction to the report.

  • Heading: The heading alerts customers that now is the time to take a look back over their energy use for the previous calendar year.
  • Subheading: The subheading identifies the calendar year encompassed in the report and identifies the customer's fuel type.
  • Illustration: A colorful illustration that includes a laptop displaying the Efficiency Zone or three-bar Neighbor Comparison visually connects the Annual Report to the larger report experience.

Solar Report

This image is an example of the Solar Report header.

Image of a the Solar Report header

Logo: A logo provided by the utility. This is the same logo used in the Energy Efficiency Web Portal.

Utility Account Number: Since the account number is required to register on the Energy Efficiency Web Portal, having the number on the report provides a useful reference for customers. Part of the account number is obscured by default.

Solar Introduction: The solar introduction provides a colorful introduction to the report. It includes the customer's name, program introduction, and report name.

Electric Vehicle Report

This image is an example of the Electric Vehicle Report header for an existing customer.

Logo: A logo provided by the utility. This is the same logo used in the Energy Efficiency Web Portal.

Utility account number: The customer's utility account number.

Electric Vehicle Introduction: The electric vehicle introduction image provides a colorful introduction to the report. It includes the customer's name and the report name. The illustration is of a home with a charging electric vehicle.

The footer is included at the bottom of every report and includes components that provide more context about the report, such as the utility's contact information and legal disclaimers.

This image is an example of the Footer module.

Image of a Footer module

Utility Address: The utility's mailing address. The mailing address must appear due to CAN-SPAM regulations in the US and similar regulations abroad.

Manage Preferences: A link to the Energy Efficiency Web Portal page or utility page where a customer can edit their report preferences.

Unsubscribe: A link to a page where customers can unsubscribe from Email Home Energy Reports v3. An unsubscribe link must appear due to CAN-SPAM regulations in the US and similar regulations abroad. The URL the unsubscribe link points to cannot be customized. Unsubscribing from Email Home Energy Reports v3 in this manner unsubscribes the customer from all Oracle Utilities Opower email communications. This action is permanent. A customer cannot opt in again after opting out of Email Home Energy Reports v3.

Disclaimer: This is an optional disclaimer that can be customized or removed at the request of the utility.

Legal Text: This is the copyright and any other legal text required by the utility or Oracle Utilities.

App Download and Social Media Links: Optional app download and social media links that can be added at the request of the utility.

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User Experience Variations

Annual Report Header

The annual report header varies depending on the customer fuel type, and normative comparison type.

Fuel Type: The subheading changes depending on the customer’s fuel type.

  • Electricity: "A review of your [yyyy] electricity use and how to save more this year"
  • Dual: "A review of your [yyyy} energy use and how to save more this year"
  • Gas: "A review of your [yyyy} gas use and how to save more this year"

Normative Comparison Type: Customers that receive the Three-Bar Neighbor Comparison variant of the report will see a 3-bar graph version of the illustration. Customers who receive the Efficiency Zone version of the report will see a corresponding Efficiency Zone illustration.

Electric Vehicle Report Header

The header of the Electric Vehicle Report varies slightly for new customers and legacy customers.

New Customers: If the customer is entirely new to the electric vehicle program or it is their first Home Energy Report, the text is "Sarah, Here's your new Home Energy Report"

Legacy Customer: If the customer has previously received an Email Home Energy Report, the text does not include the word "new."

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