Time of Use Report

The Time of Use Report provides customers on a time of use energy plan with a email report experience that is focused on overall energy savings and rate education. The Time of Use Report experience includes the following report types:

Time of Use Welcome Report: The Time of Use Welcome Report is the first report a customer on a time of use plan receives. It welcomes the customer to the program and tells them what they can expect from their reports.

Time of Use Progress Report: The Time of Use Progress Report is focused on general energy efficiency and money saving goals for customers on time of use plans.

Time of Use Welcome Report Time of Use Progress Report
Image of a Time of Use Welcome Report Image of a Time of Use Progress Report

See the individual report modules for more information about how the experience varies by module.

Time of Use Report Modules

Email Home Energy Report v3 is built with predefined mix of dynamic and static modules that have been carefully crafted to tell customers a personalized story about their energy use. It provides new experiences and insights that vary over time, depending on specific customer attributes and utility goals. See the individual module pages for more details on the user experience.

Time of Use Welcome Report

The Time of Use Welcome Report includes the following modules:

Subject Line (Not Depicted)



Efficiency Zone or Neighbor Comparison

Time of Use 101

Time of Use Tip Modules

Mini Home Energy Analysis

Customer Feedback


Time of Use Progress Report

The Time of Use Progress Report includes the following modules:

Subject Line (Not Depicted)


Energy Use Benchmark

Efficiency Zone or Neighbor Comparison

Time of Use 101

Time of Use Tip Modules

Mini Home Energy Analysis


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