Planned Switching
The sections that follow describe how to create and manage planned switching sheets. Planned switching sheets are used for switching sequences that are prepared ahead of time. In scheduled or planned switching, you can create, study, and approve switching steps in a Viewer in study mode prior to completing them in real-time mode.
This section contains the following topics:
Issuing a Switching Sheet (includes associating a crew and printing the sheet)
For information about emergency switching sheets, see “Emergency Switching”.
Creating a Planned Switching Sheet
You can create a new planned switching sheet by doing one of the following:
Select New and then Switching Sheet... from the Web Workspace File menu.
Click the new switching sheet button () on the Web Workspace toolbar.
From a device's Control Tool, select Switching Plans... and then select Create Planned Switching Sheet... to create a new switching sheet.
From the Switching Sheet List, select New... from the File menu.
The New Switching Sheet window is displayed.
When a Planned switching sheet is created that results in the sheet being associated to a device, then all device related attribute fields on the Request tab will be populated.