16.7 Step 6: Report Mapping

The user report mapping maintenance allows the Bank Administrators to map the report or set of reports to first to at group corporate level and then at the a specific corporate user. The corporate users can generate and view the reports to which they have an access. If ‘map to all user’ option is enabled , then the reports mapped at the group corporate level will be automatically mapped to all the user in the group Corporate. If disabled, you can select the user and map the reports manually.

Bank Administrator searches a corporate user, onboarded on Group corporate and view the reports mapped to him, he can also un-map the reports from specific corporate user so that access of the specific report/ s can be removed to that corporate user.

  • Transaction access is provided to System Administrator
  • Approval rule set up for Administrator to perform the actions

Navigation Path:

From System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard, under Corporate Onboarding , click Group Corporate Onboarding and then click Report Mapping tab.


From System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard, click Toggle Menu, then click Menu and then click Group Corporate Onboarding, UnderGroup Corporate Onboarding ,  click Report Mapping tab.