60 Terms and Conditions Maintenance

Terms and Conditions are set by Bank to layout the expected guidelines, and act as the backbone for the transactional agreement between customer and the bank.

Termsand Conditions Maintenancescreenallows the bank administrator userto maintain terms and condition text for All/Specific Parties for All/Specific Transactions, so that corporate users gets to view and accept it while initiating a trade finance transaction.


  • Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator.
  • Approval rule set up for Bank Administrator to perform the actions.
  • Party for which preference needs to be set up is created in core banking application.

Figure 60-1 Workflow


Features supported in Application:

Terms and Conditions maintenance available for bank administrator in the application includes:
  • Create Terms and Conditions
  • View Terms and Conditions
  • Edit Terms and Conditions
  • Delete Terms and Conditions
  • Copy Terms and Conditions

Navigation Path:

From System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard, click Toggle Menu, then click Menu and then click Others. Under Others , click Terms and Conditions Maintenance.