F.1.4 Hierarchical Member Selection

In the Run Condition grid, you can modify the run conditions by including hierarchical members.


This option will be available only if you have selected Hierarchy as the Run condition.

To modify a run condition, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Modify icon corresponding to the run condition you want to modify. The Hierarchy Browser window is displayed.

    Figure F-8 Hieracrchy Selection

    This illustration shows the Hierarchy Browser window. The window has Show Hierarchy and Search Results tab. You can select the hierarchy from the Show Hierarchy tab.

  2. Select a member/node and click the Move icon to select the same. Click the Sort Descending icon to select the member as Self, Self & Descendants, Self & Children, Parent, Siblings, Children, Descendants, or Last Descendants.

    For more information, see the Hierarchical Member Selection Modes section in the OFS Analytical Applications Infrastructure User Guide.

    In the Hierarchy Browser window you can also:

    • Click the Sort Members icon to sort members based on the path.
    • Click the Sort Member Descending icon to sort hierarchy (top to bottom).
    • Click the Sort Level icon to sort based on level.
    • Click the Collapse icon or the Expand icon to collapse or expand the members under a node respectively.
    • Click the Collapse icon or the Expand icon to collapse or expand the selected branch respectively.
    • Click the Focus icon to focus only on the selected branch. The Available Values pane shows the members of the selected branch only. Click the Normal View icon to go back to normal view.
    • Click the Number Right icon to display member's numeric codes on the right. The icon changes to Number Left icon.
    • Click the Number Left icon to display member's numeric codes on the left. The icon changes to Show Numbers icon.
    • Click the Show Numbers icon to show only member names. This is the default view. The icon changes to Number Left icon.
    • Click the Names Right icon to display member's alphanumeric codes on the right. The icon changes to Names Left icon.
    • Click the Names Left icon to display member's alphanumeric codes on the left. The icon changes to .
    • Click the Show Number and Name icon to display only member names. This is the default view. The icon changes to Show Number and Name icon .
    • Select a member and click the Sort Ascending icon or Sort Descending icon to re-arrange the members in the Selected Values pane.
    • Select a member and click the Move Top icon to move it to the top or click the Move bottom icon to move it to the bottom.
    • Click the Search icon to launch the Search panel. Here you can search based on Dimension Member Numeric Code, Dimension Member Name, or Dimension Member Alphanumeric Code. You can also search in the grid based on member name using the Search field.
  3. Click the Run Condition icon corresponding to the run condition to view the SQL query. The SQL query is formed based on the hierarchical member selection mode. The Preview SQL Query window is displayed with the resultant SQL equivalent of the run condition.

    The Detail Information grid displays the jobs and job condition defined for the run definition.

    • Click the View icon adjacent to the job names to re-order the selected jobs.
    • Click the Hierarchy Browser icon beside the job condition to launch the Hierarchy Browser window. This option is available only if a Hierarchy is selected as the Job condition.
    • Select the checkbox corresponding to the job if you want to apply the Job condition to that job.
    • Click a job to view its definition details. For example, if it is a Rule, the Show Details window displays the Rule Definition (View Mode) window.

    You can click Back to navigate back to the first page of the Run Definition (New Mode) window to modify any details.

    Once all the necessary details are entered, click Save. If you are an authorizer, the version of the run definition will be 0, else it will be -1.

    The Audit Trail section at the bottom of Run Definition (New Mode) window displays metadata information about the Run definition created. The User Comments section facilitates you to add or update additional information as comments.