Configure Metadata Sourcing

The database objects selected in the previous step can be added with metadata for selected objects. Metadata Sourcing is a stage during Workspace provisioning to allow seeding of metadata like scheduler batches at the time of workspace provisioning.
Also, by default there will be seeded metadata. However, if you wish to seed the metadata, navigate to <installed path>/ftpshare/mmg/seeded/batches and drag and drop the metadata in SQL format.


This step is optional.

Figure 6-7 Metadata Sourcing

This image displays the Metadata Sourcing.

To configure Metadata Sourcing, follow these steps:
  1. Select the required schema from the Object Type (Optional) drop-down list.
    The Available Objects are displayed in Selected Objects pane.
  2. Click Next to go to the next step. or Click Skip to skip the step.