Account Receivable Central

The Account Receivable Central is a portal which facilitates user to perform Single/Mass/Cross Currency offset operation for a bill’s outstanding amount with another bill or multiple bills. You can also refund/write off amount to the account using refund requests and write off requests respectively.

Account Receivable Central also enables to put bill(s) on hold for the funding purpose. It allows you to have a complete overview of the bills. Based on the search criteria, the system returns a list of bills that meet the search criteria.

Account Receivable Central is used for:
  • Single Offset - Enables single debit bill to be offset against multiple credit bills in the same currency and vice versa.

  • Mass Offset - Enables credit/debit bills to be offset against multiple debit and credit bills in the same currency.

  • Cross Currency Offset - Enables single debit bills to be offset against multiple credit bills in currencies other than the bill selected for offset and vice versa.

  • Hold - Enables bill(s) to be put on hold fully (the bill outstanding amount) or partially (the bill outstanding amount in partial) for a specific period for funding.

  • Refund - Enables you to refund amount of credit bill or bill line item (credit bill segment or adjustment) to the account through a refund request.

  • Write Off - Enables you to write off amount to the account through a write off request.

  • Dispute - Enables you to dispute amount of credit/debit bill or bill item (credit/debit bill segment or adjustment) to the account through a dispute request.

The bill(s) for offsetting can belong to the same person or multiple persons depending upon the option Allow Offsetting across Persons set in the feature configuration C1-OFFSETREQ which allows offsetting in the system.

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Parent Topic: Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Generic Business Processes