Funding Request

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing provides the automatic payment facility for an account. The system automatically calculates the automatic payment amount during the bill completion and stamps these details against the bill in the CI_​BILL_​ACH table. However, there might be situations when you would like to do the following before stamping the automatic payment amount against the bill in the CI_​BILL_​ACH table:

  • Hold certain amount on the bill through a hold request

  • Offset the bill against another bill through an offset request

  • Transfer the amount on the credit bill to one or more garnishment contracts of the account

The system enables you to change the automatic payment amount through the funding process. The funding process supports all three automatic payment creation options (i.e. Create At Bill Completion, Create On Extract Date, and Freeze Payment on Notification).

While creating a funding request, you need to specify a funding request type using which you want to create the funding request. It is the funding request type which helps the system to determine:

  • The business object using which the funding request should be created in the system.

  • The currency in which the total debit and credit amount should be calculated.

  • The account funding currency characteristic type which must be defined on the account. This characteristic indicates that the funding amount of the account’s bills should be calculated in the specified currency.

  • The default funding adjustment type using which the A/P adjustment should be created against a credit bill.

    Note: In the Default Funding Adjustment Type field, you can only specify an adjustment type where the A/P Request Type Code field is set to REFUND.
  • The default garnishment adjustment type using which the garnishment adjustment should be created when the amount from the credit bill is transferred to the garnishment contract of the account.

    Note: In the Default Garnishment Adjustment Type field, you can only specify an adjustment type where the A/P Request Type Code field is not set to REFUND.
  • Whether the approval is required for the funding request.

  • An algorithm which helps to calculate the threshold range for a bill based on the number of payments made for the bill in the specified period.

  • Whether a funding request must be processed in the deferred mode when the number of bills in the funding request exceeds the defer processing count.

  • The currency conversion algorithms which must be used while determining the approval hierarchy for the funding request.

Note: The Funding Request (C1-FundingReq) business object is shipped with the product.

Once you specify a funding request type, the funding request is created in the Draft status. You can then add one or more debit or credit bills in the funding request. Note that you can only add bills of those accounts for which the Defer Auto Pay option is selected on the customer class. Once the bills are added, you can submit a funding request. Before you submit a funding request, you can do the following:

  • Hold certain amount on the bill through a hold request

  • Offset the bill against another bill through an offset request

  • Transfer the amount on the credit bill to one or more garnishment contracts of the account

Note: The garnishment contract is a contract which is created using a contract type where the Special Role Flag field is set to Garnishment.

The system calculates the funding amount in the following manner:

Bill Type Funding Amount for the Bill
Debit Bill Outstanding Bill Amount – Hold Amount (set on the bill in a hold request) – Offset Amount (set on the bill in an offset request)
Credit Bill Outstanding Bill Amount – Hold Amount (set on the bill in a hold request) – Offset Amount (set on the bill in an offset request) – Garnishment Amount (set on the bill in the funding request)

You can delete, cancel, or submit a funding request which is in the Draft status. On canceling a funding request, the status of all records in the funding request is changed to Excluded and the status of the funding request is changed to Canceled. On submitting a funding request, the status of the funding request is changed to either Deferred Processing or Create Funding depending on whether the number of bills in the funding request exceeds the defer processing count. Once the Funding Request Periodic Monitor (C1-FNDRQ) batch is executed, it checks whether there are any funding requests in the Deferred Processing status. If so, it changes the status of the funding request to Create Funding.

Once the status of a funding request is changed to Create Funding, the system creates the A/P adjustment against a bill when the funding amount of the bill is in credit. It also creates non A/P adjustments using the garnishment adjustment type when the funding amount of a credit bill is transferred to the garnishment contracts of the account. However, if the funding amount of a bill is in debit, the funding amount is stamped as the automatic payment amount against the bill in the CI_​BILL_​ACH table. Then, on executing the Create Automatic Payments and Refunds (APAYCRET) batch, the system creates automatic payment and payment event for such bill.

You can optionally configure the approval process for the funding request. If the Approval Required option is selected in the funding request type, the status of the funding request is changed to Approval In Progress on submitting the funding request. The system calculates the sum of total debit and credit amount in the funding request. Depending on whether the sum total is debit or credit, the system uses the debit or credit hierarchy in the approval profile (which is specified in the funding request type), respectively. If the sum total is less than the minimum threshold amount, the system automatically approves the funding request and changes the status of the funding request to either Deferred Processing or Create Funding depending on whether the number of bills in the funding request exceeds the defer processing count. However, if the sum total is equal to or greater than the threshold amount specified at the first level in the approval hierarchy, the system creates a To Do using the To Do type specified in the approval profile and assigns it to the users with the To Do role defined at the first level in the approval hierarchy.

Once the approver at the first level in the approval hierarchy approves the funding request, the system checks whether the sum total of the debit and credit amount is equal to or greater than the threshold amount specified at the next level in the approval hierarchy. If the sum total of the debit and credit amount is equal to or greater than the threshold amount specified at the next level in the approval hierarchy, the system changes the status of the funding request to Approval In Progress. However, if the sum total of the debit and credit amount is less than the threshold amount specified at the next level in the approval hierarchy, the system changes the status of the funding request to either Deferred Processing or Create Funding depending on whether the number of bills in the funding request exceeds the defer processing count.

If an approver rejects a funding request, the status of the funding request is changed to Rejected. And, if an approver requests to resubmit a funding request for approval, the status of the funding request is changed to Draft. You can then edit the funding request and resubmit it for approval. The system allows the submitter to withdraw the funding request when it is in the Approval In Progress status. On withdrawing a funding request, the status of the funding request is changed to Draft.

If a funding request is created automatically through a custom batch, the system allows you to manually exclude some bills from the funding request when it is in the Draft status. You can exclude a bill from a funding request by changing its status to Excluded.

For more information on how to setup the funding request process, see Prerequisites.

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Parent Topic: Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Generic Business Processes