Age Based and Tier Based Pricing Rules Audit Process

If you add or edit an age based or tier based pricing rule, the system checks whether an active audit event type exists for the C1-PricingRuleAgeBased or C1-PricingRuleTierBased business object, respectively. If an active audit event type exists for the business object, the system creates an audit event for the pricing rule using the audit event type. The audit event is created in the Pending status. Note that the system creates one audit event for the pricing rule irrespective of the number of changes made to the pricing rule. In addition, an effective date is stamped corresponding to the audit event which later helps in deriving the timeline during premium calculation. Note that the effective date is set to the pricing rule’s start date.

On executing the Audit Event Process Monitor (C1-AUDEV) batch, the system considers the audit events in the Pending or Error status. By default, it considers the audit events in the Pending status. The system checks whether the C1-AUDEVMPR algorithm is attached to the respective audit event type. If the C1-AUDEVMPR algorithm is attached to the audit event type, it identifies the policy plan where the pricing rule is defined. Once the policy plan is identified, it extracts a list of membership defined on the policy plan and the pricing rule type using which the pricing rule is created. Then, the system creates a repricing entity detail record for each membership, pricing rule type, and effective date combination in the CI_​REPRC_​ENTITY_​DTL table. The status of the repricing entity detail record is set to P.

Let us understand this with the help of an example.

The following table illustrates the audit events that are created while adding the PR1 and PR2 pricing rules:
Audit Event AE1 AE2
Pricing Rule PR1 PR2
Pricing Rule Type Using which the Pricing Rule is Created PRT1 PRT3
Pricing Rule Start Date 01-01-2019 01-01-2019
Policy Plan for which the Pricing Rule is Defined PP1 PP2
Pricing Rule Types Associated with the Policy Plan PRT1, PRT2, PRT3 PRT3
Memberships which Belong to the Policy Plan M1, M2, M3, and M4 M11 and M12

For the AE1 audit event, the system creates four repricing entity detail records with the following combinations in the CI_​REPRC_​ENTITY_​DTL table:

  • M1, PRT1, 01-01-2019

  • M2, PRT1, 01-01-2019

  • M3, PRT1, 01-01-2019

  • M4, PRT1, 01-01-2019

And, for the AE2 audit event, the system creates two repricing entity detail records with the following combinations in the CI_​REPRC_​ENTITY_​DTL table:

  • M11, PRT3, 01-01-2019

  • M12, PRT3, 01-01-2019

Once the repricing entity detail records are created successfully, the status of the audit event is set to Complete. However, if an error occurs while creating the repricing entity detail records for an audit event, the status of the audit event is set to Error.