Field Mapping

The Field Mapping zone displays the details of the preference. It contains the following sections:

  • Main - Displays basic information about the preference. It contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description
    Preference Displays the preference.
    Note: This field appears when the preference is created using the Field Mapping (C1-FieldMapping) business object.
    Medicare Plan Benefit Package Display the Medicare plan benefit package (i.e. 800 series plan).
    Note: This field appears when the preference is created using the Medicare Plan Benefit Package (C1-BenefitPackage) business object.
    Description Displays the description of the preference or Medicare plan benefit package.
    Detailed Description Displays additional information about the preference.
    Note: This field appears when the preference is created using the Field Mapping (C1-FieldMapping) business object.
    Status Indicates the status of the preference. The valid values are:
    • Active

    • Inactive

    Note: This field appears when the preference is created using the Field Mapping (C1-FieldMapping) business object.
    Preference Category Indicates the category to which the preference belongs. The valid values are:
    • Automatic Refund/Write Off

    • Billing

    • Binder Payment

    • Delinquency Process

    • Delinquency Process Type

    • Handling Overpayment through a Match Type

    • Geographic Rating Area

    • Individual Membership

    • Medicare

    • Medicare Plan Benefit

    • Member Reconciliation

    • Member Relationship and Subscription Tier

    • Membership Repricing Reasons

    • Routing Method – Contact Method Mapping

    • Membership Status Reason

    • Statement Construct

    Note: This field appears when the preference is created using the Field Mapping (C1-FieldMapping) business object.
  • Preference Settings - Lists the attributes which are set in the preference. It contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description
    Attribute Indicates the attribute which is set in the preference. The attribute varies depending on the preference category.
    Value Displays the attribute value.
    Description Displays the description of the attribute value.
    Entity Type Indicates the type of entity for which the attribute is applicable.
    Note: This section appears when the preference is created using the Field Mapping (C1-FieldMapping) business object.
  • Record Actions - This section contains the following buttons:

    Button Name Button Description
    Edit Used to edit the details of the preference.
    Delete Used to delete the preference.
    Duplicate Used to create a new preference using an existing preference.
  • Record Information - This section contains the following field:

    Field Name Field Description
    Business Object Indicates the business object using which the preference is created. In addition, a context menu appears corresponding to this field which helps in navigating to other screens in the application.
    Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Business Object screen appears where you can view the details of the respective business object.

By default, the Field Mapping zone does not appear in the Field Mapping screen. It appears when you click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to a preference in the Search Field Mapping zone.

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