This algorithm updates the Customer Status characteristic of the main customer of the policy. This characteristic indicates whether the customer is active or inactive. If the customer owns at least one active policy, the customer status is set to Active. However, if the customer does not own any active policy, the customer status is set to Inactive.

It is invoked while activating or terminating a fully-insured group policy. It contains the following parameters:

  • Customer Status Characteristic Type – Used to specify the characteristic type whose value should be updated whenever the policy is activated or terminated. You must specify a characteristic type where the characteristic entity is set to Person.

  • Active Customer Status Characteristic Value – Used to specify the characteristic value which should be used when the main customer owns at least one active policy.

  • Inactive Customer Status Characteristic Value – Used to specify the characteristic value which should be used when the main customer does not own any active policy (in other words, when all policies of the main customer are terminated).

  • Policy Active Status – Used to specify the status in which at least one policy should exist to indicate that the main customer is active.

All the above parameters are mandatory.