This algorithm sets the end date of the following entities to the termination date when the respective condition is met:

  • Policy (when the termination date is not earlier than the policy start date or later than the policy end date)

  • Policy Person (when the termination date falls within the date range in which the person is associated with the policy)

  • Policy Plan (when the termination date falls within the date range of the policy plan)

  • Membership (when the termination date falls within the date range of the membership)

  • Member Person (when the termination date falls within the date range in which the person is added to the membership)

  • Contracts Associated with the Membership (when the termination date falls within the date range of the contract)

It contains the following parameters:

  • Membership Old Status – Used to specify the status from which you want to transition the membership when the policy is terminated.

  • Membership New Status – Used to specify the status to which you want to transition the membership when the policy is terminated.