Setting Up Third Party Payors

Promise to pay supports optional third-party payors. Open Admin Menu, Third Party Payor to define your third-party payors.

Note: A third-party payor refers to an account. You must set up the account before you can create a third-party payor.
Fastpath: Refer to A Promise To Pay May Reference A 3rd Party Payor for more information.

Description of Page

The following fields display for each third party payor:

Third Party Payor Provide a meaning id for the third-party payor that can be easily recognized when setting up a promise to pay.

Description A meaningful description of the payor.

Account ID The account that is used for this payor. It is this account that is tracked as the "payee" of any payments made towards a third party payor's promise to pay.

Active Check this box if the payor is currently available to participate in promise to pay.

Where Used

Follow this link to open the data dictionary where you can view the tables that reference CI_​THRD_​PTY.