Contract Type - Billable Charge Overrides

The BCU2 - Create Billable Charge background process is responsible for creating billable charges for each billable charge upload staging record interfaced into the system. This process will override the values of the various switches referenced on a bill charge upload staging line if the respective contract's contract type has an override value for the bill charge upload staging line's billable charge line type.

Note: This information is optional. If you don't need to override the values of a Billable Charge Line Type you don't need to set up this information.

Open Admin Menu, Contract Type and navigate to the BC Upload Override tab to define override values for a given Contract Type / Billable Charge Upload Staging Line Type.

Description of Page

Use the Billable Charge Overrides collection to define values to be overridden on billable charge lines uploaded from an external system (refer to the description above for the details). The following switches may be overridden for a given Contract Type and Billable Charge Line Type.

  • Use the Show on Bill switch to define the value to be defaulted into the Show on Bill indicator on billable charge upload lines that reference this line type.
  • Use the Appear in Summary switch to define the value to be defaulted into the App in Summary indicator on billable charge upload lines that reference this line type.
  • Use Memo Only, No GL switch to define the value to be defaulted into the Memo Only, No GL indicator on billable charge upload lines that reference this line type.
  • Use Distribution Code to define the value to be defaulted into the Distribution Code on billable charge upload lines that reference this line type.