Contract Type - Rate

Open Admin Menu, Contract Type and navigate to the Rate tab to define the rates that may be referenced on contracts of a given type.

Description of Page

Turn on Rate Required if the bill segment creation algorithm for the contract type expects a rate schedule to be referenced on contracts of this type.

Fastpath: For more information, refer to Rates.

Define the date the system uses when selecting an effective-dated rate (from the contract's rate history) using Rate Selection Date. Selecting Bill Start Date will cause the system to use the rate effective on the first day of the bill segment's period. Selecting Bill End Date will cause the system to use the rate effective on the last day of the bill period. Selecting Accounting Date will cause the system to use the rate effective on the accounting date associated with the bill.

The information in the Rate Schedules collection defines the rates that may be referenced on contracts of this type. The following fields are required for each contract type:

Rate Schedule Specify the primary rate schedule; its description is displayed adjacent.

Use As Default Turn on this switch for the rate to be defaulted on new contracts.

Related Topics:

Parent Topic: Setting Up Contract Types