Contract Type - Billable Charge Template

Open Admin Menu, Contract Type and navigate to the BC Template tab to define the billable charge templates that can be used on contracts of a given type.

Note: Only billable charges have billable charge templates. Only contracts that are defined as Billable Charges (in the Special Role on the Details window) may use the grid on this window.

Description of Page

The information in the Billable Charge Template collection defines the contract type's permissible billable charge templates. A billable charge template contains the default bill lines, amounts and distribution codes used to levy a one-off charge. The following fields are required for each template:

Billable Charge Template Specify the billable charge template. Its description is displayed adjacent.

Use As Default Turn on this switch for the template to be defaulted on new billable charges linked to contracts of this type (if any).

Fastpath: For more information about billable charge templates, refer to Setting Up Billable Charge Templates.

Where Used

This information is used to limit the billable charge templates that can be used for a given contract type.