Building the XML Request

To build the XML request for the outgoing message, the download receiver needs the following information:

  • The XML request and response schemas used to retrieve information about the record related to the request. For example, if the outgoing message is to inform an external system that a person's name has changed, the XML request schema must retrieve the appropriate person record.
  • The NDS type related to the NDS defines an XAI Inbound Service that references an appropriate XML request schema.
  • The data related to the request. In this example, the NDS record should be stored with the ID of the person record that changed.
  • The person ID is stored as NDS context, with an appropriate Context Type, like PERID.
  • XPATH information to tell the system where to plug in the related data into the request schema. In this example, when building the XML request, the person id must be plugged into the appropriate location in the XML request schema prior to executing the request.
  • The NDS type related to this NDS defines a collection of context types. For each context type, you define an XPATH used to indicate where to substitute the context data.

Once the request schema is build, the receiver invokes XAI (via the executer) to execute the XML request. In our example, it calls the appropriate Person service and the XML response includes the extracted person information.