Recognizing the Inbound Message Response

When the external system sends an asynchronous response to your NDS message, it is received as an inbound message. This inbound message must include the Message ID that you sent so that you can recognize this as a response. In addition, the XSL transformation must populate the identifier of the external system sending the message.

The following points describe the detail related to receiving an inbound message:

  • When a response comes in, the message is translated using an XSLT script. The XSLT must map the message ID, which is the unique identifier of the NDS message that this is a response to, to the XML element MessageID. It must create an attribute with the XML element ReplyToMessageSource populating the value with an appropriate external system. This value should correspond to the external system code of the service provider related to the NDS message.
  • The XML request of the inbound message is processed as normal.
  • The existence of the special message elements in the XSL indicates to XAI that XML response processing is required. It looks for a complete NDS with a service provider whose external id matches the ReplyToMessageSource and with a context type of Message ID whose context value matches XAI Message ID.
  • When the correct NDS is found, the system finds the related XAI download staging record and populates the XML response with the XML request of the incoming message.
  • If the XDS request is not associated already with a response or the latest associated response is in error status stamp the current response on the XDS request record.
  • If the response came into the system as an XAI upload staging (XUS) record, the foreign key to the XDS record (NDS ID and XAI route type) to which it is responding is linked to the XUS.
  • If the response did not come in as an XAI upload staging record (for example, it came in via JMS queue), an XAI upload staging record and an XAI staging control record are created in complete status as an audit and the foreign key to the XDS record is linked to the XUS.
Note: Errors Linking the XDS. If the system has a problem finding the appropriate XDS record to link to the incoming response, the inbound message is still processed. A log entry is added to the XAI trace file reporting the error in identifying the correct XDS record.