Customize Automated Dialer User Interface

Your implementation may choose to display a different user interface for the Go To Automated Dialer function than the one provided with the system. For example, perhaps there is more information that you would like to display in addition to the person's name and phone numbers. In order to do this, perform the following steps:

  • Create your customized component to provide the desired functionality.
  • Create a navigation key for your new component and indicate the URL being overridden. The remainder of the section walks you through these steps.

Go to Admin Menu, Navigation Key +.

For Navigation Key, specify a name for the new navigation key prefixed with CM.

For URL Location, select External (Override) to override a base navigation key.

When you select External (Override), the Overridden Navigation Key becomes available. Select the automatedDialer navigation key because that is the key you are overriding.

The URL Override is the path on the Web server to your custom component.

When overriding a navigation key, you must flush the system login cache on the Web server. The navigation keys are stored in the system login cache, so the overrides do not become effective until the cache is flushed. To flush the cache, issue the following command in your browser's address bar: http://server:port/flushSystemLoginInfo.jsp, where server is the name or address of your web server and port is the port number of the application, for example, http://CD-Implementation:7500/flushSystemLoginInfo.jsp.

Fastpath: Refer to the Defining Navigation Keys for more information.