Technical Implementation of Automated Dialer

The popup window is implemented as a JSP page, which calls the JSP page ext_​cti_​dialer.jsp to integrate with an automated dialer. The ext_​cti_​dialer.jsp page provided with the system integrates to the Microsoft Phone Dialer, available on any Windows 2000 workstation.

The Microsoft Phone Dialer is invoked through the CDxPhoneDialer ActiveX object.


* Invoke an external phone Dialer

* In the sample provided we launch the Microsoft phone Dialer



function callDialer(phoneNumber){



Object: CDxPhoneDialer

This object is used to call the Microsoft Phone Dialer for an outbound call. It is only used when your implementation uses the Microsoft standard dialer.

Method: makeCall

Input: Phone Number

Related Topics

Parent Topic: Initiating an External Call