Automatic Refund

Until now, the system considered the records with the debit amount in the CI_​BILL_​ACH table during the Create Automatic Payments and Refunds (APAYCRET) batch execution. Now, the system considers the records with the debit and credit amount in the CI_​BILL_​ACH table during the Create Automatic Payments and Refunds (APAYCRET) batch execution. If the automatic payment amount stamped against a bill is in debit, the batch creates automatic payment and payment event for such bill. It also creates a clearing record for each automatic payment in the CI_​APAY_​CLR_​STG table. The payment freeze date in the clearing records is set to NULL. The automatic payment is created when an algorithm using the APAY-CREATE algorithm type is created and attached to the Automatic Payment Creation system event in the installation options.

However, if the automatic payment amount stamped against a bill is in credit, the batch creates a refund request against the bill. The refund request is created when an algorithm using the C1-AREF-CRET algorithm type is created and attached to the Automatic Adjustment Creation system event in the installation options. This algorithm indicates the refund request type using which the refund request must be created. If the approval workflow is configured for the refund request type, the status of the refund request is set to Pending for Approval. However, if the approval workflow is not configured for the refund request type, the status of the refund request is set to Processed and the refund adjustment is created in the Frozen status. In addition, it creates a clearing record for each automatic refund in the CI_​ADJ_​CLR_​STG table.

The refund request and refund adjustments are created when the automatic payment amount is in credit irrespective of whether the Autopay Creation Option field in the installation options is set to Create At Bill Completion, Create On Extract Date, or Freeze Payment on Notification.

Note: In the Freeze Payment on Notification feature, the automatic payments and refunds are created. However, at present, you cannot activate and extract the automatic refund clearing records using the Activate Automatic Payments (ACTVTAPY) and Extract Automatic Payments (APAYACH) batches, respectively. The implementation team will have to develop the custom logic to activate and extract automatic refund clearing records in a flat file.

If required, you can void the refund request and cancel the refund adjustments from the user interface. If the Autopay Creation Option field in the installation options is set to Freeze Payment on Notification, you can void the refund request and cancel the refund adjustments using the Cancel Automatic Refunds (AREFRA) batch once the review comments are stored in the staging tables.

Parent topic: Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Insurance Business Processes