Fully-Insured Billing

This chapter explains how the billing is done for fully-insured business in Oracle Revenue Management and Billing. It contains the following topics:

  • Audit Framework for Fully-Insured Billing

  • Premium Proration Rules

  • Age Monitoring

  • State of Issue

  • Membership Premium Calculation

  • Bill Group Derivation for Membership

  • Account and Price Item Derivation for Membership

  • Bill Cycle and Bill Period Derivation

  • Bill Period Timeline

  • 9/10 Billing (Skip Months)

  • Repricing

  • Fully-Insured Billable Charge Creation

  • Repricing Request

  • Membership Repricing through Inbound Web Service

Related Topics

For more information on... See...
Audit Framework for Fully-Insured Billing Audit Framework for Fully-Insured Billing
Premium Proration Rules Premium Proration Rules
Age Monitoring Age Monitoring
State of Issue State of Issue
Membership Premium Calculation Membership Premium Calculation
Bill Group Derivation for Membership Bill Group Derivation for Membership
Account and Price Item Derivation for Membership Account and Price Item Derivation for Membership
Bill Cycle and Bill Period Derivation Bill Cycle and Bill Period Derivation
Bill Period Timeline Bill Period Timeline
9/10 Billing (Skip Months) 9/10 Billing (Skip Months)
Repricing Repricing
Fully-Insured Group Billable Charge Creation Fully-Insured Billable Charge Creation
Repricing Request Repricing Request
Membership Premium Calculation through Inbound Web Service Membership Premium Calculation Through Inbound Web Service

Parent topic: Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Insurance Business Processes