Fully-Insured Pricing

A new pricing model is introduced for the fully-insured group and individual businesses. In this pricing model, you can define pricing rules using the pricing rule types. At present, you can define the following pricing rule types for the fully-insured group and individual businesses:

Note: You cannot define pricing rules using the pass-through billable charge pricing rule types. However, you can directly create SQI based billable charges using a pass-through billable charge pricing rule type. For more information, refer to Pass-Through

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Pricing Parameters Pricing Parameters
Age Based Pricing Age Based Pricing
Tier Based Pricing Tier Based Pricing
Pass-Through Billable Charge Pass-Through Billable Charge
Additional Fee Pricing for COBRA Membership Additional Fee Pricing for COBRA Membership
Medicare Part D LIS and LEP Pricing Membership Benefit Pricing
Discount Charge Pricing for Retiree Membership Discount Charge Pricing for Retiree Membership
Pricing Rule Inactivation Pricing Rule Inactivation

Parent Topic: Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Insurance Business Processes