Pricing Rule Inactivation

Earlier, you were not able to inactivate a pricing rule which is referred by a group or individual membership for the charge calculation. Now, the system enables you to change the status of the age based, tier based, additional fee, and discount charge pricing rules from Active to Inactive even when it is referred by a membership for the charge calculation. On inactivating a pricing rule, the system creates an audit event in the system.

A new batch named Process Inactivated Fully-Insured Pricing Rule (C1-CBIPR) is introduced in this release. You must execute the Process Inactivated Fully-Insured Pricing Rule (C1-CBIPR) batch in between the following batches - Audit Event Process Monitor (C1-AUDEV) and Identify Entities for Repricing (C1-REPC1). The Process Inactivated Fully-Insured Pricing Rule (C1-CBIPR) batch considers the repricing entity details records from the CI_​REPRC_​ENTITY_​DTL table which are in the Discard status due to pricing rule inactivation. It then cancels the billable charges and bill segments (if any) which are created using the pricing rule which you have inactivated. In addition, it changes the status of the records in the CI_​PRCE_​CALC table to I where the inactivated pricing rule is referred.

If you inactivate a primary pricing rule, the system will cancel the billable charges and bill segments (if any) which are created using the related pricing rules. If you inactivate a rate guarantee pricing rule, the system will cancel the billable charges and bill segments (if any) which are created using the rate guarantee pricing rule.