Mass Payment Transfer

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing facilitates mass payment transfer using the File Upload Interface feature. In the mass payment transfer, you can transfer multiple payments at once. You can transfer payments at the payment or payment event level (i.e. transfer an individual payment or all payments of a payment event at once). However, note that you can transfer only those payments which are in the Frozen status.

You can upload the data for either full or partial payment transfer in the CSV format through the File Transformation and Upload (C1-FTRAN) batch. While executing the File Transformation and Upload (C1-FTRAN) batch, you need to specify a file request type which indicates the XPath of the fields where the data from the CSV record should be stored while transforming the data in the XML format using the C1-TransferPaymentService business service. Once each CSV file record is transformed in the XML format, you can transfer payments through the File Request Processing (C1-FREQP) batch.

Parent topic: Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Insurance Business Processes