Sample CSV File for Mass Payment Transfer


Let us assume that the payment transfer file is uploaded and transformed using a file request type with the following field transformation details:

Sequence Field Name Map Field XPath
1 Payment Event ID C1-TransferPaymentService/paymentEventId
2 Payment ID C1-TransferPaymentService/paymentId
3 Transfer Type C1-TransferPaymentService/transferType
4 Transfer Reason C1-TransferPaymentService/transferReason
5 Match Type C1-TransferPaymentService/matchType
6 Match Type Value C1-TransferPaymentService/matchTypeValue
7 Source System C1-TransferPaymentService/sourceSystem
8 External Transaction Id C1-TransferPaymentService/externalTransactionId
9 External Source system Id C1-TransferPaymentService/externalSourceId
10 Transfer Amount C1-TransferPaymentService/transferAmount

On successfully uploading and transforming the data, the system creates a transformed payload for each CSV file record. The transformed payload stores the payment transfer data in the following tags:

Service Payload Tag Name CSV File Record 1 CSV File Record 2 CSV File Record 3 CSV File Record 4




paymentEventId - - 436560000000 -
paymentId 436878000000 436229000000 - 436912000000
transferType P P E P
transferReason ROBL ENTR NSF ACCT
matchTypeValue 770018000000 770018000000 770018000000 770018000000
sourceSystem - - - -
externalTransactionId - - - -
externalSourceId - - - -
transferAmount 120 100 180 200

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