Resend a welcome message to an organization user

If a new organization user cannot locate the welcome email message or the user waited more than 36 hours to set a password and the link in the message expired, you must resend the message. Otherwise, the user cannot activate the account and start using Oracle COVID-19 Patient Monitoring System.


If you need to send a welcome email message to an entity user or location user, see Resend a welcome message to an entity user or Resend a welcome message to location user instead of this procedure. If you need to send a new invitation to a participant (someone who completes a daily update survey), see Resend an invitation to a participant instead.
To resend a welcome email message to an organization user:
  1. Along the top, select the Organization tab.
  2. Scroll to the Coordinators section of the page.
  3. Locate the user in the list of names and select the Edit Coordinator icon Edit Coordinator icon from the end of the row.
  4. Select Re-Send New Account Mail.
The user receives the welcome email within minutes. The user has 36 hours to click the link in the welcome email and specify a password.