Unlock a participant account

Oracle COVID-19 Patient Monitoring System must verify the identity of participants when they respond to a daily update invitation by entering their personal data. A participant can attempt to enter their personal information up to three times before Oracle COVID-19 Patient Monitoring System locks them out. Once a participant gets locked out, you must reset the account so the participant can try again.

Before completing the steps in this procedure, review the personal information with the participant to confirm the system contains the correct details. (Participants see a message to call or email support when they get locked out.) For example, the data uploaded to the system could have included a typographical error that you need to correct before they can try again. Review what the participant wanted to enter with what you see in the system. If you need to make corrections the data in the system before the participant tries again, see Update participant personal information.
To unlock a participant account:
  1. Along the top, select the Participants tab.
  2. In the list of participants, locate the locked-out participant.


    You can find the participant by typing their name, external identifier, or email address in the filter above the list of participants. Or, you can filter by participants with the Failed Validation status using the filters on the left.
  3. Select the participant's name.
  4. Below the participant's name, select Reset Validation Attempts.
Notify the participant to try again. The participant can select the link in the invitation and enter the personal information again (up to three times). You can also resend the invitation if necessary as described in Resend an invitation to a participant.