Map tables manually

First, Map at the clinical data model level.

To map at the table level:

  1. Select one or more source tables.
  2. Select one target table.
  3. Click the icon shows 2 data sheets with a 2-way arrow.Map icon in the target table's row.
  4. If you are using a custom program, select the program.
  5. Select a Transformation Type: Direct, Join, Union, Pivot, Unpivot, or Custom.


    Even if you are using a custom program, select the type of transformation your program performs. Use Custom only if your program cannot support data lineage tracing.

  6. If you specify a Join, Pivot, or Unpivot, the system displays an icon. Click the icon and supply details.


    Keep the primary key intact in the target table. Include SubjID in the primary key.

  7. Authorize: When one or more source tables contains blinded data, by default the target table is completely blinded and only users with Blind Break privileges can view any data in the table.
    • To allow users without Blind Break privileges to see some of the table's data but keep other data hidden, modify the target table to mask values in the appropriate columns, rows, or cells. Do this in the Clinical Data Model page; see Set up data blinding in tables for details.

    • If you are certain that the target table will contain only nonblinded data, select the checkbox in the Authorize column to allow users without Blind Break privileges to view all data in the target table. This authorization is audited.

  8. Save. You must save before mapping columns.