Activating Loaded Terms

The TMS Activation process runs against terms and relations in the predict tables that are associated with the Activation Group you choose. Activation includes two stages:

  • TMS validates terms and relations against dictionary definitions. During this process, TMS validates pre-dictionary Informative Notes as well.

  • TMS moves records that do not violate dictionary definitions to the production tables. The system leaves any records that do violate these rules in the pre-dictionary tables and populates the error message field for each record with the reason that the record failed activation.

You can run Activation in Check or Transfer mode. Check mode stops short of transferring data to the production tables while enabling you to see the results of the data validation. See About Activation.

You can run Activation from the GUI or from SQL*Plus. You can monitor the process and, if you run in Check mode, you can view data that would fail activation in the Maintain Repository Data window and make the necessary changes before transferring the data to the production tables.

For more information, see:

Creating or Assigning an Activation Group


In TMS 5.3 release, you can control enabling and disabling Activation. An Activation Allowed? checkbox is included for administrator to enable or disable activation for all users who have access to activating a dictionary.

You must assign all data to an Activation Group for TMS to load it into predict tables and, later, to activate it. TMS activates all data in the group in the same batch job. You can use an existing group or define a new one. To define a new Activation Group:

  1. From the Repository Maintenance menu, select Maintain Repository Data. The Maintain Repository Data window appears.
  2. Highlight Activation Groups in the tree structure and select Insert Record.
  3. Enter a name and description. (If you are setting up the practice drug dictionary CLS, name the Activation Group CLS_AG.)
  4. Select the Activation Allowed? checkbox if the preliminary data for the activation group can be activated. If selected, transfer and activation for the activation group will be allowed. If deselected, any attempts to transfer or activate data for the activation group will be prevented.


    The Activation Allowed? checkbox is added for the TMS 5.3 release.

  5. Under Dictionaries within the Activation Group, click in the Short Name field and press F9 to see the LOV. Select the dictionaries you want to include in the Activation Group.
  6. Save. TMS populates the Name and In Domain? fields. When you run Activation on this Activation Group, TMS processes all dictionaries associated with this group. However, if a dictionary is not assigned to the current domain, you cannot see it in the Maintain Repository Data window and therefore cannot use the GUI to modify it. To add a dictionary to a domain, from the Definition menu, select Define Domains, and click the Dictionaries button.


TMS populates the audit information fields.

Running the Activate Preliminary Data Batch Job from the GUI

To invoke Activation from the TMS Graphical User Interface:

  1. From the Repository Maintenance menu, select Activate Preliminary Data. The Batch Job window appears.


    You can also invoke Activation (immediately, in Transfer mode only, on the current Activation Group) from the Maintain Repository Data window by clicking the Transfer Data button.

  2. In the Job Specific section, click the Activation Group field. A list arrow appears.
  3. Select an Activation Group from the list. (For information about Activation Groups, see Creating or Assigning an Activation Group.)
  4. Click the Activation Mode field. A list arrow appears.
  5. Select an activation mode from the list. The choices are:
    • Check. TMS invokes the Activation process, but stops short of transferring valid data to the production tables. You can view data that would fail activation in the Maintain Repository Data window and make the necessary changes before activating the data.

    • Transfer. TMS runs the Activation process to completion. Valid data is transferred to the production tables. Invalid data remains in the predict tables.

  6. In the Schedule section, enter the name of the report server. Other schedule options appear.
  7. Select Submit from the Job menu or click the Submit icon.

Running Activation from SQL*Plus

To run Activation in Transfer mode, type:

exec tms_user_activation.activateterms (Predict_Group_Id, 'T')

To run Activation in Check mode, type:

exec tms_user_activation.activateterms (Predict_Group_Id, 'C')

You can monitor the Activation process and analyze the tables to optimize execution speed. To do so, from SQL*Plus, type:

select count (*) from tms_dict_contents

In previous versions, it was necessary at this stage to compute statistics to speed the job, then reanalyze tables after job completion. The Activation batch job performs these steps for TMS 4.0 and later, so these steps are no longer necessary.

Add Validation Code (Optional)

TMS provides an empty package, tms_ud_activation_rules, that runs immediately after TMS has completed its own activation process. You can modify the package to include additional validation code.

For example, you can specify using a SQL statement that in MedDRA, a preferred term must always also exist as a lowest level term. If TMS finds a preferred term without a corresponding lower level term, the preferred term stays in the predictionary table with an error message saying it failed activation due to user-defined validation code.

When you write code in TMS, refer to the package tms_def_dict_cons for constants including the dictionary ID, dictionary levels, and any other constants relevant to all active dictionaries.

Refreshing the Context Server Index

After activation refresh the context server index; see Refreshing the Context Server Index.

Gathering Statistics to Improve Performance

Refresh schema statistics to improve performance. This is especially important after activating WHO-Drug C. See Running Scripts to Gather Schema Statistics for the 12c Optimizer.

About Activation

During Activation, TMS processes terms and relations in one Activation Group at a time, enforcing the integrity of their relations against the level relations defined for the dictionary. TMS gathers threads of data—terms related directly and indirectly to each other—and checks all the links in the thread.


During Activation, TMS checks for cardinality violations. If you have defined relations to more than one term in a level with only a single cardinality relation defined, TMS rejects all relations.

For more information, see:

Rules Enforced

In addition to user-defined dictionary level relations and optional validation rules, TMS enforces the following internal rules about external, company, and TMS domain terms:

  • A domain or company term cannot be linked to more than one external term, but an external term can be linked to more than one domain or company term.

  • A domain term cannot be linked to more than one company term, but a company term can be linked to more than one domain term.

Database Tables

TMS stores terms awaiting activation in the predict tables (tms_predict_contents and tms_predict_relations) and moves them to the production tables (tms_dict_contents and tms_dict_relations) when they are successfully activated. Terms that fail the Activation process remain in the predict tables associated with an error message.

Activation Failure Messages

You can view the error messages associated with failed data in the Error field of the Maintain Repository Data and Repository Authoring windows, or by running the Preliminary Repository Report.

DML Transactions

TMS uses a series of Insert, Update and Delete transactions to move the data from the predict tables to the production tables. During the load process—when you are loading a dictionary for the first time—all transactions will be of type Insert.

More Information on Activation

The Activation process uses objects and relations defined in many parts of the system and documented as follows: