Using Look to Book Sales Screen

When the Membership Rate Rules OPERA Control is active and Membership Rate Rules are configured, eligible rate codes for the membership type and level are displayed in the Membership Rates display set. When the Guaranteed Availability for Members OPERA Control is active and when a membership type/level is defined with a rule code to guarantee the selected rate codes, you can select a rate and complete a reservation even if the selected room/rate code combination is closed due to restriction. A tooltip indicates guaranteed member rates.


Override User task is not required to create reservation for Guaranteed members even if  the selected room/rate code combination is closed due to restriction.

Use the Look to Book Sales Screen to book future date or walk-in arrival reservations. Look to Book provides you with room type and pricing options for the reservation dates entered. Use the search criteria to narrow your search for specific rate categories / code, room types and features or use Room to search property availability for a specific Room.  You can use the Look to Book Trip Composer to create multi-leg reservations for guests requiring multi-rate reservations.

When the MultiProperty OPERA Control is active, you can search room type and rate availability in multiple properties from a Hub location . You can search property / rate availability by the packages included in a rate code; the search result displays a Selected Package - Associated to Rate Code display set listing the applicable rate codes and price per room type.

When the Populate Primary Profiles for Reservations and Relationships OPERA Controls are active, and you select a guest profile with primary relationships to other profile types, those profiles are automatically linked to the reservation. For more information, see Managing Reservation Linked Profiles.

When the Multiple Yield Market Type OPERA Control is active, you can select a single Configuring Yield Market Type for an availability search. The default value selected in the Yield Market Type OPERA Control will default in the Yield Market field. When the Yield Market Lookup OPERA Control is active and the Membership Type entered equals the Yield Market Lookup Membership Type OPERA Control, the Yield Market Code and associated Guest Value are fetched from an external system integrated with OPERA Cloud.

When the Award Points Redemption OPERA Control is active, a Member Award Upgrade Available for this Reservation link appears when a member upgrade award is available for the dates and the room type booked. For more information, see Redeeming Loyalty Awards for Upgrade.

When the Room Rotation OPERA Control is active you can create owner or owner referral reservations for a room owned by the profile selected in Name. For more information, see Managing Profile Ownership Records and Owner Referrals. The selected owner room is assigned to the reservation.

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Book a Reservation


When the Activate the Sell Message Functionality OPERA Control is active, date-driven sell messages are displayed at the top of Look to Book. Click X to close or click Sell Messages to toggle the Sell Message panel.
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, and then select Look To Book Sales Screen.

  2. Enter the caller/contact information and then click New Reservation. (Applicable when the Caller Information OPERA Control is active).

  3. In the search panel enter search criteria.
    1. Single Rate: Click option to create a single leg reservation with no rate code changes (default). 

      1. Property: Enter or select the property. You can select multiple properties from a hub location.

    2. Multi-segment: Click option to create a multi-segment reservation, with rate code changes during the stay.


      Use the Add to Trip Composer action to select the rate code option for each segment (leg).
      1. Property: Enter or select the property.

      2. Click Add Leg to add a segment.

      3. Click Delete Last Leg to remove the last segment.

    3. Stay Options: Enter the details for each segment.

      1. Arrival: Enter or select the arrival date.

      2. Nights: Enter the number of nights; the departure date is updated.

      3. Departure: Enter or select the departure date.

      4. Rooms: Enter the number of rooms required; a multi-room reservation needs to be split into separate reservations prior to arrival. For more information, see Managing Linked Reservations


        If the number of rooms entered equals or exceeds the Block Creation Prompt Threshold Rooms OPERA Control you are prompted to create a reservation or convert the reservation to a block. Converting a Multi-Room Reservation to a Block
      5. Adults: Enter the number of adults in the room.

      6. Children: Enter the number of children in the room. 

        1. Age of Children: Enter children ages (Available when the Child Rates By Defined Buckets OPERA Control is active).

    4. Profile Options

      1. Name: Click to search for an existing guest profile.

      2. New Profile: Click to create a new guest profile. For more information, see Creating a Guest or Contact Profile.

      3. Membership Number: Click to search for guest profile by membership number.

      4. Company: Click to search for company profile to link to the reservation.

      5. Travel Agent: Click to search for Travel Agent profile to link to the reservation.

      6. Block Code: Click to search for a Block to link to the reservation (pickup inventory from the Block allocation).

    5. Rate and Room Options:
      1. Room Features: Select one or more room features from the list. Look to Book displays room types with the selected Features. Multiple selection is treated as an "OR" type search. For example, if Bath Tub and Hair Dryer are selected then the search is for room types that have either the Bath Tub or the Hair Dryer as feature.

      2. Room Types: Select one or more room types from the list. When the room type Auto Room Assign OPERA Control is active, and the selected room type is identified as Auto Room Assign, an available room will be automatically assigned to the reservation during creation.


        Only rooms that are not departures on the arrival day of this reservation will be auto-assigned. Only rooms in the highest cleaning status will be auto-assigned if the reservation is for the current business date.
      3. Room: Click to select and search availability for a specific room.

      4. Rate Codes: Select one or more rate codes from the list.

      5. Yield Market: Select a yield market from the list. Field defaults according to the Yield Market Type OPERA Control. (Available when the Multiple Yield Types OPERA Control is active ). For more information, see Configuring Yield Market Type.

      6. Rate Category: Select one or more rate categories from the list.

      7. Owner Rooms: Select a room to create an Owner or Owner Referral reservation for the profile selected in Name. (Available when the Room Rotation OPERA Control is active).


        Only rooms available over the selected stay dates are available for selection. 
      8. Promotion: Select a promotion from the list. Look to Book displays rate codes linked to the promotion. (Available when the Promotions Module OPERA Control is active).

      9. Smoking Preference: Select a smoking preference from the list. Look to Book displays room types with the selected smoking preference.

      10. Include Closed Rates: Select to include closed rate in the availability search. For more information, see Overriding a Closed Rate.

    6. Click Search.


      You can modify the search options at any time, click Search to update the Look to Book result.

  4. Minimum Stay Availability displays each room type and the minimum (including non-deduct) number of available rooms.


    When the Show Profile Discounted Rates OPERA Control is active and you select a profile with a discount in Look to Book Sales Screen search, the negotiated rates that appear in search results are adjusted by the profile discount amount. When the control is inactive, Look To Book returns the profile negotiated rate without the profile discount applied.

    For example, the company ABC Corporation has a Negotiated Rate NEGRATE1 ( $100 per adult). There is an additional discount of 20% configured for this profile while associating the negotiated rate code. When Show Profile Discounted Rate OPERA Control is active, the Look to Book search results display a rate of $80 for the negotiated rate NEGRATE1 when search with the profile ABC Corporation.

    When Show Profile Discounted Rate OPERA Control is inactive, the Look To Book search results displays the negotiated rate NEGRATE1 with $100 when search with the profile ABC Corporation.


    Click the Property Name to display the Property Brochure.
  5. Rates for each room type available are displayed, grouped by Display Set.

  6. Click More Display Sets to add all other display sets to the result.


    Closed rates are displayed with a red X through the price, for more information, see Overriding a Closed Rate. Rate codes setup as Suppress Rate are displayed with price strike through as these rates are confidential and not be quoted to the caller.
  7. Click a rate and room type cell to view more information about the rate and room type, including package item inclusions.
    1. Click View Policies to view the Deposit and Cancellation Policy per reservation type for the rate.

    2. Click Select to select this rate and room type combination for the new reservation or drag the cell to the Trip Composer panel.

  8. Book Now page is displayed.

  9. Stay Information is displayed in the left side panel.
    1. Click the Rate Amount to view detailed rate information for the reservation.

    2. Click Refresh to update the deposit details

  10. Enter the Guest Information.
    1. Name: Click to search for an existing guest profile.

    2. New Profile: Click to create a new guest profile. For more information, see Creating a Guest or Contact Profile.

  11. Enter the booking details:


    The fields displayed are based on your chain or property customization.
    1. Reservation Type: Select a reservation type from the list to determine if the reservation deducts a room from inventory. For more information, see Reservation Types

    2. Market: Enter or select the market code for the reservation; used for statistical purposes.

    3. Source: Enter or select the source code for the reservation; used for statistical purposes.

    4. Origin: Select a booking origin from the list; used for statistical purposes. For more information, see Configuring Origin Codes

    5. Room Type to Charge: Select the room type to charge for the reservation; this can be different to the room type allocated for the reservation and used in the event of a complimentary upgrade.

    6. Rate: The rate amount per night is displayed; update to modify (override) the rate amount.

    7. Fixed Rate:Select check box to fix the rate to the specified amount. (Available when the Fixed Rates OPERA Control is active). Check box is selected by default when the Always Use Fixed Rates OPERA Control is active.

    8. Packages: Select any package items for the reservation. For more information, see Managing Reservation Package Items.

    9. Inventory Items: Select any inventory items for the reservation. (Available when the Item Inventory OPERA Control is active). For more information, see Managing Reservation Inventory Items.

    10. Discount: Available when the Reservation Discounts OPERA Control is active and the selected rate code is setup as eligible for discount. Configuring Rate Code Financial Details .

      1. Discount Amount: Enter a fixed amount discount to adjust the nightly rate.

      2. Discount Percentage: Enter a percentage discount to adjust the nightly rate.

      3. Discount Reason: Select a discount reason from the list.


        When the Rate Code is updated the discount amount/ percentage and reasons values are removed and the fields disabled if the rate code is not eligible for discount.
    11. Purpose of Stay: Enter or select the purpose of stay from the list. For more information, see Configuring Purpose of Stay .

    12. Room: Click to search and assign a room to the reservation. For more information, see Available Room Search.

    13. Specials: Click to select special requests for the reservation.

    14. Room Features: Click to select room features requested; this field is defaulted with preferences from the selected profile for the reservation.

    15. Smoking Preference: Click to select the smoking preference of the guest; this field is default with the smoking preferences from the selected profile for the reservation.

    16. Notes: Click More Info to manage profile and reservation notes. For more information, see Managing Reservation Notes and Managing Profile Notes.

    17. Promotion: Click to search and select a promotion to link to the reservation. For more information, see Configuring Promotion Codes .

  12. Enter Payment Information

    1. For more information, see Managing Reservation Payment Instructions.

    2. Click Add Routing Instructions to setup charge routing. For more information, see Managing Reservation Routing Instructions.

  13. Click Adding Sharing Guest to create a sharing reservation. (Available when the Sharers OPERA Control is active).

    1. Enter search criteria and click Search.

    2. Select a profile in the result, click Select.

    3. Select a rate share method and enter the number of adults. For more information, see Shared Reservations.

  14. Click Membership to select a profile membership for the reservation.

    1. For more information, see Managing Reservation Memberships.

  15. Once the new reservation details are complete:

    1. If creating a multi-segment reservation, click Add to Trip Composer to add the rate selection for the leg and then repeat your rate availability search for the next segment stay dates.

    2. Click Book Now to create and confirm the reservation. When the Closing Script OPERA Control is active, you are presented a closing script to read to the caller , click Confirm to proceed with confirming the new reservation. You are directed to the Reservation Presentation page to further manage the reservation. For more information, see Editing a Reservation.

    3. Click Waitlist Now to add the reservation to Waitlist (Available when the Waitlist OPERA Control is active). For more information, see Managing Waitlist Reservations.