Booking Reservations


 Membership details are prompted or auto-populated to new reservations based on the membership handling setup for the membership type.

When the Populate Primary Profiles for Reservations and Relationships OPERA Controls are active, and you select a guest profile with primary relationships with other profile types, those profiles are added to the Linked Profiles tab and the reservation header.

When the Business Block  OPERA Control is active for a property, you can create block reservations for blocks in a status configured as Open for Pickup.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, and then select Reservation Sales Screen.

  2. Enter Caller Information to save with the reservation. You can view caller information anytime during the booking by clicking the Phone icon. For more information, see Managing Reservation Call History.

    1. First Name: Enter callers first name.

    2. Last Name: Enter callers last name.

    3. Phone: Enter callers contact phone number.

    4. Email: Enter callers contact email address.

  3. Click Create Reservation.

  4. Click Multi segment to create a multi segment reservation (enter dates per segment to search criteria).

    1. Click the + icon to add a segment.

    2. Click the trashcan icon icon to delete a segment.

  5. Enter search criteria.

    1. Click the magnify glass icon in each profile field to search using additional search criteria.

      1. Click Create Profile to create a new profile.

      2. You can lookup and download a profile from an external system when the Profile Lookup OPERA Control is active. For more information, see Using Profile Lookup and Download with Integrated Solutions.

      3. Click the pencil icon  to update the profile details.

    2. Guest: Enter guest name, email or membership details; select an existing profile from the list.

    3. Travel Agent: Enter travel agent name or IATA or other criteria; select an existing profile from the list.

    4. Company: Enter company name, Corp ID or other criteria; select an existing profile from the list.

    5. Source: Enter source name, Corp ID or other criteria; select an existing profile from the list.

    6. Property Search: Use one of the following search criteria:

      1. Destination: Enter a desired city or attraction.

      2. Amenities: Select property amenities from the list.

      3. Property Types: Select property types from the list.

      4. Packages: Select packages from the list.

      5. Property: Select properties from the list.

    7. Arrival: Enter or select the arrival date. Field is null when the Default Blank Arrival Date OPERA Control is active.

    8. Nights: Enter the number of nights; the departure date is updated.

    9. Departure: Enter or select the departure date.

    10. Rooms: Enter the number of rooms required; a multi-room reservation needs to be split into separate reservations prior to arrival. For more information, see Managing Linked Reservations.

    11. Adults: Enter the number of adults in the room.

    12. Children: Enter the number of children in the room.

      1. Age of Children: Enter children ages (Available when the Child Rates By Defined Buckets OPERA Control is active).

    13. Additional Search Options (Available when a Property is selected).

      1. Block: Select a block or click on magnifier icon to search for a block (Available when the Business Block OPERA Control is active for the selected property).

      2. Preferences: Select room feature, smoking and special preference from the list. Multiple selection is treated as an "OR" search.

      3. Room Type: Select room types from the list.

      4. Rate Category: Select rate categories from the list; rate codes linked to the rate category are displayed in the result.

      5. Rate Codes: Select rate codes from the list. 

      6. Promotion: Select a promotion from the list; rate codes linked to the promotion are displayed in the result. (Available when the Promotions Module OPERA Control is active).

    14. Accessible Room Types Only: Select check box to limit search to accessible room types only.

    15. Include Closed Rates: Select check box to include rates closed due to restrictions. (Available when the Restrictions OPERA Control is active). For more information, see Overriding a Closed Rate

    16. Rate Awards: Select check box to only display award rates (Available when the Award Points Redemption OPERA Control is active).

    17. Click Search.

  6. Availability Search Result

    1. The Block Availability tab displays the details for a selected block.

      1. View Options

        1. Click Allocated  button to displays all room types allocated to the block (Default).

        2. Click Available to view only the allocated room types available.

        3. Click All Room Types to view all room types.

    2. Availability tab

      1. Properties matching your search are listed. Alternate properties are listed when the Show Alternate Properties OPERA Control is active. Up to three rate codes are listed for each property; click View All Rates in the property panel to display additional rate codes.

      2. Update the availability search / display criteria by selecting any of the search filter chips displayed and entering or selecting a value. The Display Set filter chip can be added to the smart search bar to update the current display set.

      3. View Options

        1. Click Detailed View button to display detailed list of properties

        2. Click List View button to display summary list of properties.

        3. Click Map View button to display properties on an interactive map.

    3. Click Property Name or Events links to display the property brochure.

    4. Click the chevron to expand/collapse the property sell messages. You can also click the Expand Sell MessagesCollapse Sell Messages button. (Available when the Activate the Sell Message Functionality OPERA Control is active).

    5. Currency: Select a currency from the list to display rates in selected currency. (Available when the Ability to Quote Rates in Foreign Currencies OPERA Control is active and a single property is selected).

    6. (Property) Sort by: Select a property sort option from the list; defaults according to the Property Order OPERA Control. (Available when multiple properties are included in search). 

    7. Rate View: Select First Day , Average or Total from the list to change the price / amount displayed for each rate code and room type.

    8. Rate Code / Room Type Toggle

      1. Click the Rate Code button display the availability result ordered by rate code.

      2. Click the Room Type button to display the availability result ordered by room type.

    9. Hover a room type and rate code tile, then click the Eye icon to view the rate code and room type information, booking policies and alternate dates.

      1. Room and Rate Details: Click link to display room type and rate code information.

        1. Currency: Select a currency from the list to display rates in selected currency. (Available when the Ability to Quote Rates in Foreign Currencies OPERA Control is active).

      2. Policies: Click link to display booking and cancellation policies.

      3. Alternate Dates: Click link to display calendar with alternate dates and any rate restrictions per day. Hover your mouse to see multiple restrictions that apply for a single date.


        Use < > to scroll to the previous / next rate code or room type listed in the availability result.

      4. Click Book to book the room type and rate code. For more information, see Overriding a Closed Rate.

    10. Hover a room type and rate code card, then click > to book the room type and rate code.

    11. Hover a room type and rate code card, then click the Suitcase icon to add to the trip composer.


      If you select a room type that is not allocated to a block, or there are no rooms available for the selected room type, and when the block Inventory Control is set to Elastic or Sell limits, you can borrow from another available room type or from house availability in the BorrowInventory drawer.
    12. Click Profile Details & Stays to display profile and stay details for the selected profile. For more information, see Viewing Profile Future and Past Stays

  7. Reservation Booking Overview


    For multi segment or multi property itinerary reservations, select the tab for a segment and complete the details.
    1. Click Find Profile to search and select a profile for this reservation if not already selected. Inventory is not held until a profile is selected for the reservation.

    2. Click the Profile name link to update the profile details.

    3. Arrival: Displays the arrival date

    4. Nights: Displays the number of nights.

    5. Departure: Displays the departure date.

    6. Rooms: Displays the number of rooms

    7. Adults: Displays the number of adults.

    8. Children: Displays the children.

      1. Ages: Displays children ages by age bucket. (Available when the Child Rates By Defined Buckets OPERA Control is active).

    9. Room Type: Displays the selected room type.

    10. Room Type to Charge: Select the room type to charge for the reservation; this can be different to the room type allocated for the reservation and used in the event of a complimentary upgrade. (Available when the Room Type to Charge OPERA Control is active). 

    11. Rate Code: Displays the rate code selected.

    12. Rate Amount: Displays the rate code amount. Enter a different amount to override the default pricing and select the Fixed Rate checkbox to fix the Rate Amount to the amount entered. (Available when the Fixed Rates OPERA Control is active). Check box is selected by default when the Always Use Fixed Rates OPERA Control is active.

    13. Packages: Select any packages for the reservation.

    14. Reservation Type: Select a reservation type from the list to determine if the reservation deducts a room from inventory. For more information, see Reservation Types

    15. Market: Enter or select the market code for the reservation; used for statistical purposes.

    16. Source: Enter or select the source code for the reservation; used for statistical purposes.

    17. Payment Method: Select a payment method from the list.

      1. Click [+] to enter credit card PAN, Expiry and Cardholder details.

      2. For more information, see Managing Reservation Payment Instructions

    18. Arrival Time:  Enter or select an arrival time.

    19. Departure Time: Enter or select a departure time.

    20. Origin: Select a booking origin from the list; used for statistical purposes. For more information, see Configuring Origin Codes.

    21. Preferences: Select room feature, smoking and special preference from the list. For more information, see Preferences.

    22. Purpose of Stay: Select the purpose of stay from the list.  For more information, see Configuring Purpose of Stay .

  8. Click the Notes icon to manage reservation and profile notes. For more information, see Managing Reservation Notes and Managing Profile Notes

  9. Click Linked Profiles to manage the profiles linked to the reservation. For more information,, see Managing Reservation Linked Profiles to manage the profiles linked to the reservation.  

    1. Associated Profiles

    2. When the Attach Travel Agent/ Source Profiles to Reservations OPERA Control is active, both a travel agent and source profile can be linked to the reservation.

    3. Click Link Profiles  then select a profile type from the list.

      1. Enter search criteria and select a profile from the search result.

      2. Click Create Profile to create a new profile. 

    4. To delete a linked profile, click cancel iconfor the profile.

    5. Accompanying Profiles. Available when the Accompanying Guest OPERA Control is active. 

    6. Click Link Profiles

      1. Enter search criteria and select a profile from the search result.

      2. Click Create Profile to create a new profile. 

    7. Click Profile Identification icon to manage identification. For more information, see Managing Profile Identification and Personal Details.

    8. Click Registration Card icon to generate registration cards.

      1. Select a registration card template from the list.

      2. Show masked information: Toggle on to output unmasked identity data.

      3. Guests: Select the guests to generate a registration card.

      4. Email: Enter email recipient. Click Add Email to add another.

      5. Click Process.

    9. To delete a linked profile , click cancel icon for the profile
  10. Click Deposit & Cancellation to view deposit and cancellation policies. See Managing Reservation Deposit Request and Cancellation Policy.

  11. Click Reservation Packages to manage reservation packages.

    1. Packages included in the rate code are listed.

    2. Click Edit to update.

      1. Number of Packages: Enter the number of packages.

      2. Click Update.

    3. Click Add Package to add a sell separate package.

      1. Enter search criteria.

      2. Select Add for the package.

        1. Start Date: Enter or select a start date.

        2. End Date: Enter or select an end date.

        3. Number of Packages: Enter the number of packages.

        4. Click Add or click Save and Add More to add another.

    4. Click Delete to delete a sell separate package.

    5. For more information, see Managing Reservation Packages .

  12. Click Sharers + to create a share reservation. Available when the Sharers OPERA Control is active.

    1. Enter profile search criteria.

    2. Select a profile in the search result, then click Apply.

    3. Select a rate share method and enter the number of adults.

    4. Click Apply.

    5. For more information, see Managing Reservations Shares.

  13. Click Add to Reservation to add to the trip composer and add another segment.

    1. Enter search criteria then click Search.

    2. Hover a room type and rate code card, then click the suitcase icon to add to the trip composer.

  14. Click Book to confirm the reservation.

    1. You are presented with a closing script to read to the caller (Available when the Closing Script New and Update Reservation OPERA Control is active).

      1. Language: Select a desired language from the list to localize the closing script.

      2. Click Confirm and Review to confirm booking and continue to edit the reservation or click Confirm to confirm the booking and end the call.

  15. Click End Call to exit without confirming the reservation.

    1. When the Turnaway Functionality OPERA Control is active, you can enter turn-away details. For more information, see Using Turnaways.