Repository Model

This section describes the data model of the claim transaction repository. The claims transaction repository data model is based on the claims (working copy) data model. The main differences between the models are:

  • the transaction model includes additional financial transaction data that is added when creating claim transactions (e.g. allocations to payment receivers),

  • the internal keys and references of the claims model are replaced with external meaningful values in the repository model,

  • some details of referenced entities are included in the repository model.

The repository claim transactions are in effect snapshots of claims and their referenced data at the time of finalization. Even though claims themselves are not versioned, claims transactions are versioned. Each time that a claim is finalized, a new claim transaction version is created in the repository.

See the Creation of a Transaction from a Claim Example for an illustration of the differences between a claim transaction and a claim.

See the Claim Transaction Versioning Example for an illustration of versioning of claims in the transaction repository.

Design Principles

Minimal Validation

The transaction repository does not include referential integrity constraints other than those for internal use, e.g. to implement internal master-detail relationships. Likewise, it does not enforce any business rules. The intention is that claim transactions are an accurate representation of the claim and referenced data at the time of finalization, even if aspects of this information are incorrect.

Transactions are Self Contained

As part of the creation of a claim transaction internal references from a claim (and its details) to other 'non-claim' entities are replaced with externally meaningful values from the data that is referenced within OHI Claims (for example, internal ids are replaced with codes).

Within the repository itself, foreign keys are used to implement internal master / detail relationships. These are only used internally and are not included in any outbound messages. These internal foreign keys are resolved in the messages produced from the claims transaction repository by embedding the elements that represent the child objects within their parent elements. For example, even though coverages include a foreign key to their claim lines, the messages that deliver claims to external systems will have the coverages of a line as a list within the claim line element.

Included Referenced Data

In general, the referenced data that is included in the transaction repository is determined at the time that a transaction is created (i.e. when the claim is finalized). For example, if some values are included in the repository from provider, the values would be as they are recorded for the provider at claim finalization time. If values are required as they were on another date (e.g. claim service date), the dynamic logic of the transaction creation scenarios would need to specifically retrieve the value as it was at that the required time.

Multiple Language Considerations

Only the base language 'translation' of multi-language data will be included in the transaction repository. This is also the case with messages that can have substitution parameters. Messages will be included in the base language (with substitutions); however, the substitution parameters may also be stored with messages to provide the possibility for a downstream application to reconstruct the message in another language.

Basis of Entity Model

The data model of the transactions repository is based on the OHI Claims entity model. The structure (attributes and associations between entities) are very similar to it. However, the transaction creation logic determines which attributes of the repository transactions are filled and the source of them. In general, it is expected that in most configurations the choice would be made to fill the transaction attributes directly from their corresponding OHI Claims attributes. However, it is possible for different choices to be made. The 'Corresponding OHI Claim Entity' column indicates the basis for repository fields and implicitly the expected / default source.

Preparation of the transaction creation logic is described in a separate section.

Dynamic Fields

Free fields and dynamic records can be added to each entity. Refer to the Repository Configuration section for more details.

Claim 'Unmatched' Attributes

The OHI Claims data model includes attributes for holding values of related entities needed to match a claim to a related entity. These 'unmatched' attributes are not included as fixed fields in the repository as it is expected that by the time claims reach finalization matching will have occurred. If for some reason an 'unmatched' attribute is needed, it could be defined as a dynamic field.

Claim Line Internal Details

In the OHI Claims entity model claim lines have several detail entities that are very specific to claims processing. These detail entities are not included in the transaction repository model as they are not seen as having meaning once a claim has been finalized. These internal detail entities are:

  • Limit Consumptions

  • Rule Coverages

  • Regime Consumptions

  • Authorization Consumptions

  • Case Details

These details could be added dynamic fields or records.

Data Types

In general, data types are carried through from the OHI Claims data model. For example, dates will be stored as date fields even though they will primarily be sent out as strings.

Database Tables

The claim transaction repository is physically part of the OHI Claims database. It is logically separate in the sense that it consists of an independent set of tables with no 'physical links' to the main claim tables (for example, they have no foreign keys to the main tables and no logic outside of the finalization step that accesses the repository tables directly).

Claim Versioning

Claims are considered to be a new version of an existing claim purely because they have the same claim code. The concept of claim versions is limited to the repository. Claims themselves do not have versions. Therefore, a claim version is in effect a 'count' of the number of times a claim with the same code has been finalized.

Versioning only applies at claim level. The claim lines (and other details) are not directly versioned by OHI Claims. If claim lines need to be comparable between versions, it is up to the external components that send in new versions of claims to make sure that the claim lines can be recognized by their unique identification, i.e. the combination of the claim code and the claim line code (unique within a claim).


The downstream applications that receive / access information from the repository are treated as 'trusted' components in the overall SOA architecture. Security access restriction labels related to viewing claim information are included in the repository and it is up to downstream applications to ensure that any restrictions that are needed based on them are implemented. Access restriction labels related to maintaining claim information (for example, adding and removing messages from claims or approving high-value claims) are not included as claims in the repository cannot be updated.

Data Model

The entities (and relationships) of the transaction repository are as illustrated here:

Repository Model

In addition to these entities, separate 'technical' entities are used to hold values of dynamic fields and records.

Corresponding OHI Claims Entities

The details of each entity of the repository data model are described in the following sections. For each repository entity attribute, the corresponding OHI Claims entity is indicated. For attributes that are from referenced entities where there is more than one relationship between the base entity and the referenced entity, the type of relationship is provided in italics. For example, Claimant Relation of Claim means that the attribute is from the relation with the 'claimant' relation type with the claim.

Descriptions of entities and attributes are not included. By default the meaning is the same as described for the corresponding OHI Claims entities and attributes.

Dynamic logic determines the actual source of claim transaction values. Individual customers may choose different sources for claim transaction values than the indicated corresponding working copy entity.

Reversal Transactions

Reversal transactions are transactions with most amounts and numbers reversed (multiplied by -1). The Reverse? column in the table below indicates if a value is to be reversed in reversal transactions. Refer to Reversal Transactions section for more details.

Common Blocks of Attributes

Relation / Provider Details

Relation and provider details are included in the data model in several roles. For example, in claims, bills and claim lines relations are included in the 'payment receiver' role.

To reduce repetition, the inclusion of provider details is indicated in the format role + 'Provider Details'. This can be understood to mean that the following attributes are present prefixed with 'role name':

  • Provider Name

  • Provider Code

  • Provider Code Definition

The inclusion of relation details is indicated in the format role
'Relation Details'. This can be understood to mean that the following attributes are present prefixed with 'role name':

  • Relation Name

  • Relation Code

CTR Claim

This entity is the 'header' of claim transactions.

Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Attribute Reverse? Note





Set when transaction created. Simple increment of sequence within claim code.


Transaction Date

Set to current date / time when transaction created.


Authorization Code

Belongs to Brand of Claim

Brand Code

Belongs to Brand of Claim

Brand Description

has Access Restriction of Belongs to Brand of Claim

Brand Access Restriction Code

Belongs to Payer of Belongs to Brand of Claim

Brand Payer Name

has Access Restriction of Belongs to Payer of Belongs to Brand of Claim

Brand Payer Access Restriction Code

Grouped in

Claim Set of Claim

Claim Set Code


Claim Date

Claimant Provider of Claim

Claimant 'Provider Details'

Claimant Relation of Claim

Claimant 'Relation Details'

has Access Restriction of Claimant Relation of Claim

Claimant Access Restriction Code

contact details Access Restriction of Claimant Relation of Claim

Claimant Contact Details Access Restriction Code

classified by

Classification Scheme of Claim

Classification Scheme Code


Classification of Claim

Classification Code


Due Date


Emergency Indicator


End Date


Entry Date


Expiration Date


External Remarks


Ignore History Indicator


Internal Remarks

Is of Claim Form

Form Code

Is of Claim Form

Form Description

Belongs to Data Access Group of Claim

Data Access Group

has Access Restriction of Belongs to Data Access Group of Claim

Data Access Group Access Restriction Code

Location Provider Provider of Claim

Location 'Provider Details'

Location Provider Provider of Claim

Location Provider Address


Location Type of Claim

Location Type Code


Location Type of Claim

Location Type Description


Manual Indicator


Next Payer Code

No look-up


Paid Date

Destination Payer Payer Code of Claim

Payer Code

Payment Beneficiary Provider of Claim

Payment Beneficiary 'Provider Details'

Payment Beneficiary Relation of Claim

Payment Beneficiary 'Relation Details'

Payment Receiver Provider of Claim

Payment Receiver 'Provider Details'

Payment Receiver Relation of Claim

Payment Receiver 'Relation Details'

Payment Specification Receiver Provider of Claim

Payment Specification Receiver 'Provider Details'

Payment Specification Receiver Relation of Claim

Payment Specification Receiver 'Relation Details'


Preceding Payer Code

No look-up.


Price Date


Process Type

C(laim) or R(eservation)


Provider Entity Reference


Provider Reference


Receipt Date

Referral Provider Provider of Claim

Referral 'Provider Details'


Reversal Indicator

This field indicates if the transaction is a reversal transaction.

Service Provider Provider of Claim

Service 'Provider Details'

Service Specialty Specialty of Claim

Service Specialty Code

Serviced Entity Relation of Claim

Serviced Entity 'Relation Details'

Serviced Entity Relation of Claim

Serviced Entity Date

Serviced Entity Relation of Claim

Serviced Entity Date Interpretation

has Access Restriction of Serviced Entity Relation of Claim

Serviced Entity Access Restriction Code

contact details Access Restriction of Serviced Entity Relation of Claim

Serviced Entity Contact Details Access Restriction Code


Start Date


Total Allowed Amount


uses (total allowed amount) Currency

Total Allowed Amount Curr


Total Claimed Amount


uses (total claimed amount) Currency

Total Claimed Amount Curr


Total Covered Amount


uses (total covered amount) Currency

Total Covered Amount Curr



P(rovider) or R(estitution)

CTR Transaction Labels

These labels provide additional information about a claim transaction that needs to be added after initial creation of a transaction. For now, they are only used to indicate that the claim of the transaction has been 'unfinalized'.

Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Attribute Note


Label Date


Label Type

CTR Status History

This entity holds the status history entries of claim transactions.

Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Attribute Note

Claim Status History


Claim Status History

Status Date

CTR Pend Reason History

This entity holds the pend reason history entries for specific status history entries.

Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Attribute Note

Claim Pend Reason History


Claim Pend Reason History

Bill Provider Reference

Claim Pend Reason History

Resolved Datetime

For Pend Reason of Claim Pend Reason History


For Pend Reason of Claim Pend Reason History

External Code


Pend Reason of Claim Pend Reason History

Alternative Text


Pend Reason of Claim Pend Reason History

Provider Text


by User

User Login Name

CTR Callout History

This entity holds the callout history entries of claim transactions.

Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Attribute Note

Claim Callout History

Request Sent Datetime

Claim Callout History

Response Received Datetime

based on

Callout Definition of Claim Callout Rule


based on

Callout Definition of Claim Callout Rule


CTR Claim Unfinalize Reason

This entity holds the claim level unfinalize reasons of claim transactions.
Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Attribute Note

Claim Unfinalize Reason

Source Reference

Is unfinalized because of Unfinalize Reason of Claim Unfinalize Reason


Is unfinalized because of

Unfinalize Reason of Claim Unfinalize Reason

External Code

CTR Claim Diagnosis

This entity holds the claim level diagnoses of claim transactions.
Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Attribute Note

Applies To Diagnosis of Claim Diagnosis


Applies To Diagnosis of Claim Diagnosis

Code Definition

Applies To Diagnosis of Claim Diagnosis


Claim Diagnosis


has Diagnosis Type of Claim Diagnosis

Type Code

has Diagnosis Type of Claim Diagnosis

Type Description

has Access Restriction of Applies To Diagnosis of Claim Diagnosis

Access Restriction Code

CTR Claim Message

This entry holds claim level messages of claim transactions.

Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Attribute Note

Knows Message of Claim Message of Claim


Claim Message of Claim



Message text with substituted parameters


Provider Message text with substituted parameters


Alternative Message text with substituted parameters

Knows Message of Claim Message of Claim


Knows Message of Claim Message of Claim


Knows Message of Claim Message of Claim

External Code

Claim Message of Claim

Value 0

Claim Message of Claim

Value 1

Claim Message of Claim

Value 2

Claim Message of Claim

Value 3

Claim Message of Claim

Value 4

Claim Message of Claim

Value 5

Claim Message of Claim

Value 6

Claim Message of Claim

Value 7

Claim Message of Claim

Value 8

Claim Message of Claim

Value 9

CTR Bill

This entity holds the bills of claim transactions.

Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Attribute Note


Provider Reference


Provider Entity Reference

Set when transaction created.


Bill Date


Authorization Code

No look-up


Emergency Indicator

Payment Receiver Provider of Bill

Payment Receiver 'Provider Details'

Payment Receiver Relation of Bill

Payment Receiver 'Relation Details'

Service Provider Provider of Bill

Service 'Provider Details'

Location Provider Provider of Bill

Location 'Provider Details'


Location Type of Bill

Location Type Code


Location Type of Bill

Location Type Description

Referral Provider Provider of Bill

Referral 'Provider Details'

Serviced Entity Relation of Bill

Serviced Entity 'Relation Details'

Serviced Entity Relation of Bill

Serviced Entity Date

Serviced Entity Relation of Bill

Serviced Entity Date Interpretation

has Access Restriction of Serviced Entity Relation of Bill

Serviced Entity Access Restriction Code

contact details Access Restriction of Serviced Entity Relation of Bill

Serviced Entity Contact Details Access Restriction Code

Service Specialty Specialty of Bill

Service Specialty Code

CTR Bill Diagnosis

This entity contains the diagnoses of bills.

Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Attribute Note

Applies To Diagnosis of Bill Diagnosis


Applies To Diagnosis of Bill Diagnosis

Code Definition

Applies To Diagnosis of Bill Diagnosis


Bill Diagnosis


has Diagnosis Type of Bill Diagnosis

Type Code

has Diagnosis Type of Bill Diagnosis

Type Description

has Access Restriction of Applies To Diagnosis of Bill Diagnosis

Access Restriction Code

CTR Bill Message

This entity contains the messages of bills.

Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Attribute Note

Knows Message of Bill Message of Bill


Bill Message of Bill



Message text with substituted parameters


Provider Message text with substituted parameters


Alternative Message text with substituted parameters

Knows Message of Bill Message of Bill


Knows Message of Bill Message of Bill


Knows Message of Bill Message of Bill

External Code

Claim Message of Claim

Value 0

Bill Message of Bill

Value 1

Bill Message of Bill

Value 2

Bill Message of Bill

Value 3

Bill Message of Bill

Value 4

Bill Message of Bill

Value 5

Bill Message of Bill

Value 6

Bill Message of Bill

Value 7

Bill Message of Bill

Value 8

Bill Message of Bill

Value 9

CTR Claim Policy Product

This entity holds the policy product details of the claim that is obtained through enrollment callout.

Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Attribute Note

Specifies Product of Policy Product


has Insurable Entity of Policy Product

Serviced Entity Type

has Insurable Entity of Policy Product

Serviced Entity Code


employed by Organization

Organization Code

Policy Product

Start Date

Policy Product

End Date

Policy Product

Subscription Date

Policy Product

Subscription End Date

Group Account Code

Dynamic field on Policy Product

Enrollment Product Code

Dynamic field on Policy Product

Add-on Code

Dynamic field on Policy Product

^Note - During implementation, if policy product information is required in CTR for any downstream processing, then OHI recommends using this entity for that purpose. Also, note that for Product Profitability analysis (for example, covered amount vs premium paid for a group account), OHI Analytics uses enrollment product, add-on and group account details from this entity. ^

CTR Claim Line

This entity holds the claim lines of claim transactions or bills.

Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Attribute Reverse? Note

Claim Line


Claim Line


Claim Line

Allowed Amount


uses (allowed amount) Currency

Allowed Amount Curr

Claim Line

Allowed Number of Units


Claim Line

Authorization Code

Claim Line

Authorization Exception Type


Authorization Regime of Claim Line Override

Authorization Regime Code


Coverage Specification of Claim Line Override

Coverage Specification Code

Benefits Provider Provider of Claim Line

Benefits Provider 'Provider Details'

Claim Line

Benefits Age Input Date

Claim Line

Benefits Input Amount


uses (benefits input amount) Currency

Benefits Input Amount Curr

Claim Line

Benefits Input Date

using reservation of

Claim Line

Reservation Code

using reservation of

Claim Line

Reservation Line Code

Claim Line

Claimed Amount


uses (claimed amount) Currency

Claimed Amount Curr

Claim Line

Claimed Number Of Units



Classification of Claim Line

Classification Code

is classified on grounds of

Authorization of Claim Line

Class Authorization Code

Overriding Coverage Regime of Claim Line

Coverage Regime Code


Coverage Regime (No auth. found) of Claim Line Override

Coverage Regime No Auth Code

Claim Line

Covered Amount


uses (covered amount) Currency

Covered Amount Curr

Claim Line

Covered Number of Units


Claim Line

Encounter Indicator

Claim Line

Emergency Indicator

Claim Line

End Date

Claim Line

Family Code


Funding Arrangement of Claim Line Override

Funding Arrangement Code

Location Provider Provider of Claim Line

Location 'Provider Details'


Location Type of Claim Line

Location Type Code


Location Type of Claim Line

Location Type Description

Payment Receiver Provider of Claim Line

Payment Receiver 'Provider Details'

Payment Receiver Relation of Claim Line

Payment Receiver 'Relation Details'


Post Benefit Regime of Claim Line Override

Post Benefit Regime Code

Claim Line

Preceding Payer Paid Amount


uses (preceding payer paid amount) Currency

Preceding Payer Paid Amount Curr

Claim Line

Price Input Date

Claim Line

Price Input Number of Units


Individual Price Provider Provider of Claim Line

Price Individual Provider 'Provider Details'

Organization Price Provider Provider of Claim Line

Price Organization Provider 'Provider Details'

Claim Line

Price Principal Proc1 Ind

Claim Line

Price Principal Proc2 Ind

Claim Line

Price Principal Proc3 Ind

Specifies Procedure of Claim Line

Procedure Code

Specifies Procedure of Claim Line

Procedure Definition

Specifies Procedure of Claim Line

Procedure Description

Specifies Procedure 2 of Claim Line

Procedure 2 Code

Specifies Procedure 2 of Claim Line

Procedure 2 Definition

Specifies Procedure 2 of Claim Line

Procedure 2 Description

Specifies Procedure 3 of Claim Line

Procedure 3 Code

Specifies Procedure 3 of Claim Line

Procedure 3 Definition

Specifies Procedure 3 of Claim Line

Procedure 3 Description

has Access Restriction of Specifies Procedure of Claim Line

Procedure Access Restriction Code

has Access Restriction of Specifies Procedure 2 of Claim Line

Procedure 2 Access Restriction Code

has Access Restriction of Specifies Procedure 3 of Claim Line

Procedure 3 Access Restriction Code

Claim Line

Process as IN

Overriding Product of Claim Line Override

Product Code

Overriding Product Family of Claim Line Override

Product Family Code

Overriding Product Line of Claim Line Override

Product Line Code

Claim Line

Provider Entity Reference

Claim Line

Provider Reference

Referral Provider Provider of Claim Line

Referral Provider 'Provider Details'

Claim Line

Replaced Indicator

Original For Claim Line of Claim Line

Replaced by Code

Replacement Of Claim Line of Claim Line

Replaces Code

Service Provider Provider of Claim Line

Service 'Provider Details'

Service Specialty Specialty of Claim Line

Service Specialty Code

Serviced Entity Relation of Claim Line

Serviced Entity 'Relation Details'

Serviced Entity Relation of Claim Line

Serviced Entity Date

Serviced Entity Relation of Claim Line

Serviced Entity Date Interpretation

has Access Restriction of Serviced Entity Relation of Claim Line

Serviced Entity Access Restriction Code

contact details Access Restriction of Serviced Entity Relation of Claim Line

Serviced Entity Contact Details Access Restriction Code

Claim Line

Start Date

Claim Line


Claim Line

Subscription Date

Claim Line

Waiting Period Input Date


Waiting Period Regime of Claim Line Override

Waiting Period Regime Code

CTR Claim Line Diagnosis

This entity holds the diagnoses of claim lines.

Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Attribute Note

Applies To Diagnosis of Claim Line Diagnosis


Applies To Diagnosis of Claim Line Diagnosis

Code Definition

Applies To Diagnosis of Claim Line Diagnosis


Claim Line Diagnosis


has Diagnosis Type of Claim Line Diagnosis

Type Code

has Diagnosis Type of Claim Line Diagnosis

Type Description

has Access Restriction of Applies To Diagnosis of Claim Line Diagnosis

Access Restriction Code

CTR Claim Line Message

This entity holds the messages of claim lines.

Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Attribute Note

Knows Message of Claim Line Message of Claim Line


Claim Line Message of Claim Line



Message text with substituted parameters


Provider Message text with substituted parameters


Alternative Message text with substituted parameters

Knows Message of Claim Line Message of Claim Line


Knows Message of Claim Line Message of Claim Line


Knows Message of Claim Line Message of Claim Line

External Code

For Product of Claim Line Message of Claim Line

Product Code

Claim Line Message of Claim Line

Value 1

Claim Line Message of Claim Line

Value 2

Claim Line Message of Claim Line

Value 3

Claim Line Message of Claim Line

Value 4

Claim Line Message of Claim Line

Value 5

Claim Line Message of Claim Line

Value 6

Claim Line Message of Claim Line

Value 7

Claim Line Message of Claim Line

Value 8

Claim Line Message of Claim Line

Value 9

CTR Claim Line Coverage

This line hold coverages of claim lines.

Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Reverse? Note

Claim Line Coverage


Claim Line Coverage

Display Name

Claim Line Coverage



uses for amount Currency

Amount Curr

Claim Line Coverage



By Product of Claim Line Coverage

Product Code

By Product of Claim Line Coverage

Product Description

By Product of Carried By Brand of Claim Line Coverage

Product Brand Code

By Product of Carried By Brand of Claim Line Coverage

Product Brand Description

Has Coverage Label of Claim Line Coverage

Coverage Label Code

Has Coverage Label of Claim Line Coverage

Coverage Label Display Sequence

CTR Claim Line Contract Reference

This entity holds contract references that apply to claim lines.

Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Attribute Note

has Claim Line Contract Reference


has Claim Line Contract Reference


CTR Claim Line Modifier

This entity holds modifiers of claim lines.

Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Attribute Note

Is Of Type Claim Line Modifier


Is Of Type Claim Line Modifier


CTR Claim Line Benefit Specification

This entity holds details about the benefit specifications that have been applied in the benefits calculation of claim lines.

Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Attribute Note


Benefit Specification of Claim Line Benefit Specification

Benefit Specification Code


Benefit Specification of Claim Line Benefit Specification

Benefit Specification Subtype


Coverage Regime / Authorization Regime / Waiting Period Regime of Claim Line Benefit Specification

Regime Code


Product of Claim Line Benefit Specification

Product Code

Claim Line Benefit Specification

Product Provider Group Status

uses product

Provider Group of Claim Line Benefit Specification

Product Provider Group Code

Claim Line Benefit Specification

Specific Provider Group Status

uses specific

Provider Group of Claim Line Benefit Specification

Specific Provider Group Code

Claim Line Benefit Specification

Inherited Provider Group Status

Claim Line Benefit Specification

Processed as In

CTR Claim Line Provider Pricing Clause

This entity holds details about the provider pricing clauses that have been applied in the pricing of claim lines.

Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Attribute Reverse Note

Claim Line Provider Pricing Clause


uses Reimbursement Method /

uses Pricing Rule


Fee Schedule / Charged Amount / Payment System / Adjustment / Carve Out / Dynamic Field / Encounter / Lower Of / Message / Provider Limit / External Intervention


Provider Pricing Clause


uses Provider Pricing Clause


The quantifier of the provider pricing clause, which can be either a percentage, maximum amount, maximum number of units or maximum service days

uses Reimbursement Method /

uses Pricing Rule


Claim Line Provider Pricing Clause



uses for amount Currency

Amount Curr

Claim Line Provider Pricing Clause


Note: for a claim line provider pricing clause, either the type and code of a reimbursement method are stored or the type and code of a pricing rule. This is because a provider pricing clause either uses a reimbursement method or a pricing rule.

CTR Claim Sub Line

This entity holds claim sub lines of claim lines.

Corresponding OHI Claims Entity Attribute Reverse? Note

Claim Sub Line


Claim Sub Line

Claimed Number of Units



Procedure of Claim Sub Line

Procedure Code


Procedure of Claim Sub Line

Procedure Code Definition


Access Restriction of Specifies Procedure of Claim Sub Line

Procedure Access Restriction Code