Reversal Transactions

This section describes the reversal claim transactions and reversal financial transactions that are created when a claim is unfinalized. The reversal transactions are available to downstream systems for use in reversing the effects of original transactions. For example, the OHI Claims Financial Processing uses them as a basis for reversing the accounting impact of previous versions of claims.

Reversal claim transactions have exactly the same structure as claim transactions and reversal financial transactions have exactly the same structure as financial transactions. The intention is that they can be used in the same way as regular claim transactions and regular financial transactions. For example, the OHI Claims Financial Processing creates invoice lines and accounting details for reversal financial transactions in the same way as for regular financial transactions; the resulting lines and details will implicitly have reversed amounts (and values).

Reversal claim transactions are created directly from regular claim transactions and reversal financial transactions are created directly from regular financial transactions . They are in effect copies with the following differences / characteristics:

  • the version of the reversal transaction is the original transaction’s version

  • the reversal indicator will be set to 'Y'

  • the transaction date will be the current date / time

  • the reversal transaction has count and amount fields reversed (multiplied by -1); the exact fields that are reversed are indicated in the Repository Model and Financial Transaction Model section.

  • the reversal transaction has all dynamic fields with the 'reverse indicator' flag set reversed (multiplied by -1)

Note that if the Common Financial Supersede activity detects that a transaction has been superseded from an accounting / payment perspective, its corresponding reversal transaction will also be considered to be superseded.