Fields definitions represent a table column definition. They define the specifics of a field, such as the data type, the length and possibly additional validations such as a regular expression. Within the context of claim transactions and external claims data, field definitions are used to extend a table directly (like adding a new column to the table), but they are also used to create dynamic record definitions. For example, most dynamic records consist specify at least two fields; a code field and a description field.

Field Description


The identifying code of this flex field


A descriptive text to clarify the purpose of this field

Data Type

Indicates whether this field contains a number, date or free text (char)


The number of decimals. Only relevant for data type number.


The maximal length of this field. Date fields ignore this attribute.


If checked, then the reversal of a claim transaction in a financial message multiplies the number in this field with -1. Only relevant for data type number.

The same field definition can be re-used multiple times. For example, a field definition that captures a date can be used by different tables (and by different names); it remains the same field definition.

Fields for claim transactions and external claims data are never validated. Their goal is to accurately capture whatever information is stored in the field or record; not to validate that value. For this reason it is not possible to specify dynamic logic validations.

Fields for claim transactions and external claims data have a Reversible indicator. Whenever a finalized claim is unfinalized, the application creates a reverse transaction. The goal of this reverse transaction is to back out the original transaction sent to the downstream systems. A reverse transaction is near-identical to its original counterpart; the only difference is that all the number fields that represent covered / payable amounts and units are negative. This precludes the downstream systems from having to do explicit back outs; they can simply add up all the transactions. Some of the amounts that need to be backed out may be stored in dynamic fields; this is where the reversible indicator becomes relevant. If checked, that means that the numerical value of the field represents an amount or number that needs to be backed out in a reverse transaction. The reversible indicator has no meaning on dynamic fields or records on external claims data.