Deeplinking to ADF Claims Pages

Claims Pages

The approach for deep linking to the Claim page variations other than CTR (Claim Transactions) is differs slightly from other pages.
This applies to the following pages:

  • View Claim

  • Enter Claim

  • Change Claim

  • Manual Pricing

  • Manual Pricing Adjudication

  • Manual Benefits

  • Manual Adjudication

Requires an additional parameter uniqueIdentifier: &uniqueIdentifier=<claimPageVariation> to open a different variation of the Claims page.

The allowable values for claimPageVariation are:

  • entry (Enter Claim - note that for this variation, the TASKFLOW_NAME is EnterClaims, as opposed to Claims for the other variations)

  • view (View Claim)

  • change (Change Claim) mpricing (Manual Pricing)

  • mpricingadjudication (Manual Pricing Adjudication)

  • mbenefits (Manual Benefits)

  • madjudication (Manual Adjudication)

This will only work correctly if the Claim being deep linked has the right status for that page, otherwise, the page states it finds no rows.
Note that the view mode will work for every Claim, as long as the logged-in user has access rights to the View Claim page.

Example of View Claim

The URL below opens the View Claim page and queries one particular Claim in Claims application running on localhost:7001 ( the Login page presents if the user is yet to log in, later redirecting the user to the View Claim page):
