Deeplinking to JET Pages

View and Edit Mode

The approach for deeplinking to JET pages is:

Consider the following URL for running the Oracle Health Insurance Value-Based Payments application:


The next step is to construct the metadata. The JET URL requires the following information:

  • _ojCoreRouter=view-edit-capitationcontracts represents that you are on the capitation contracts page. The entity name appends after view-edit-. It is usually the entity’s plural name. Other values can be from view-edit-adjustmentschedules.

  • op =view represents we are on the view-edit page of a particular Capitation contract.

  • id =1 where 1 is the id of the current record that we are looking at. With the create page, id won’t be part of the URL.


Once the URL string constructs, it needs to be UTF-8 encoded. The encoded URL can be useful as a deeplink.

Encoded URL:


Create Mode

In case of creating a record, the URL will be:

Decoded URL:


Encoded URL:

  • _ojCoreRouter=create-capitationcontracts represents that we are on a create page. You can append the entity name after create-. It is usually an entity’s plural name.

  • op = create represents that we are on the create page of a Capitation contract.


Policy Page

Policy pages use GIT instead of ID. The decoded URL for the view and edit Policy page in JET is:
