
This operation enables validating draft provider pricing clauses in a pricing worksheet. For more details on validating draft provider clauses please see Draft Provider Pricing Clauses Worksheet

 ... pricing worksheet properties ...
 "links": [
      "href": "http://<host>:<port>/api/generic/pricingworksheets/",
      "rel": "self"
      "href": "http://<host>:<port>/api/pricingworksheets/<pricingworksheet_code>/validate",
      "rel": "pricingworksheet:validate",
      "httpMethod": "POST"

Clients can send in one or more draft provider pricing clauses in the POST payload, if the client does not include a list of draft provider pricing clauses, all draft provider pricing clauses in the pricingWorksheet are validated:

  "draftProviderPricingClauseList": [
     {"code": ""},
     {"code": ""}

If the request specifies draft provider pricing clause codes, only the draft prover pricing clauses with specified codes are processed otherwise the complete worksheet is validated. If a draft provider pricing clause with the specified code is not found within the context of the pricing sheet, the system creates an interface message " Draft provider pricing clause with {code} not found" for each such codes.

The validate operation (re-)validates each draft provider pricing clause in context, also those that already have the status Valid. For details on validation function refer to Validate Draft Provider Pricing Clauses

Response Messages


The system responds with 201 created. The system also returns a link to the task resource in the Location header:
Location:http://[hostName]:[portNumber]/[api-context-root]/claims/generic/task/<id> This enables the external system to track the progress by issuing a GET to this task URI.


Following Http Status code can be returned:

Table 1. Failure
Response Description

HTTP 401


HTTP 404

Pricing worksheet is unknown

Please refer to the "Response Messages" section in the HTTP API Integration Points part of the Common Features book for more details.


The operation in this section is protected by access restriction "pricingworksheets.validate IP". A grant must be given with both the Read and Update flag set.