
A Destination describes a system with which the Oracle Insurance Gateway interacts; to collect data, invoke a process or to deliver data.

Oracle Insurance Gateway supports the following destination types:

  • REST: This destination type facilitates the Oracle Insurance Gateway to communicate with the REST endpoints. For example, to communicate with the generic api in Claims, a destination of type REST must be set up.

  • SFTP: This destination type facilitates the Oracle Insurance Gateway to communicate with the SFTP endpoints. The SFTP destination feature is not available in Oracle Health Insurance Cloud Services.

  • FILEUPLOAD: This destination type enables the Oracle Insurance Gateway to upload data files to Oracle Health Insurance applications using Data File Set Integration Point.

  • DOCUMAKER: This destination type is used by the Oracle Insurance Gateway to communicate with the Documaker application endpoints.

  • FUSIONLOAD: This destination type facilitates the Oracle Insurance Gateway to upload a zip file to Fusion Universal Content Management (UCM), load data from the file in the open interface tables and finally importing that data into Fusion.

  • FUSIONSUBM: This destination type enables the Oracle Insurance Gateway to submit a Fusion ESS Job Request and to monitor the job in a polling manner until an end state is reached.

  • FUSIONREPT: This destination type is used by the Oracle Insurance Gateway to submit a request to run a report in Fusion. The report output is made available as a data file in a data file set.

  • AGENT: This destination type facilitates the Oracle Insurance Gateway to communicate with the Oracle Health Insurance Agent. The Message that is constructed by the gateway is sent across a Web Socket channel to Agent using this destination type.

The destination types have the following common settings:

Field Description Applicable?


The unique name of the destination. Example: "Documaker"



The credential key to be used to invoke the destination. It is essentially the authentication or authorization information needed by the target application to authenticate or authorize Oracle Insurance Gateway.

Set the credentials by configuring a username and a password using the credential integration point. For details refer to the section Credentials Integration Point in the Developer Guide.



The Universal Resource Locator (URL) of the destination. This is typically a system property key, for which a value is derived at runtime from the environment specific properties.

This field must always start with the prefix 'address.key.'

For example, configure address key claims.service.uri in Oracle Insurance Gateway to set system property This property must then have a valid URL as a value. Oracle Insurance Gateway uses this URL as the endpoint or constructs an appropriate endpoint.

When the Oracle Insurance Gateway’s built in framework is used to invoke a query api, extract or activity endpoints in another Oracle Health Insurance application, the address key URL value can be till the context root of the application. For example, http://<hostname>:<port>/<context-root>;



  • REST

  • SFTP








A list of key or value pairs that represent additional attributes for the destination types. The following table defines the Destination-specific key or value pairs.

Refer to the following type config section


The following Type Config fields can be used:

Field Description


The path of the REST API to call, this is relative to the base url defined in the address key of the destination.


The HTTP method to be invoked. Possible values: PUT; POST; PATCH; DELETE; GET;TRACE;HEAD;OPTIONS. Default is: POST. Optional


The following Type Config fields can be used:

Field Description


The directory path must exist.


The hostname of the SFTP server.


The port of the SFTP server. Optional (default value is 22).


The known_hosts file used by the client to verify that the key provided by the server is really the one of the host. Optional.


Use strict host key checking in combination with a known hosts file? Possible values are: false (default) and true. Optional.


Connect timeout (in milliseconds) for waiting for a connection to be established. Default: 10000 milliseconds. Optional.


The size (in bytes) of the buffer that SFTP uses when transferring files. Default: 32768 bytes. Optional.


Heartbeat interval (in milliseconds) for keeping the SFTP session alive. Default: 0 (no heartbeat). Optional.


The file permissions on the stored file. Default: 664. Optional.


The path separator to be used. Use '/' for Unix and '\\' for Windows. Default: '/'. Optional.

The Oracle Insurance Gateway acts as a SFTP client only. The SFTP server is configured to connect to support SSH FTP v3. The SFTP destination feature is not available in Oracle Health Insurance Cloud Services.

File Upload Naming Convention

The Oracle Insurance Gateway stores the file with a temporary name (".filepart") during the transfer, renaming it to the target name only after the transfer concludes successfully.


This type requires no Type Config to be setup.


The following Type Config fields can be used:

Field Description


The timeout to wait for response from Documaker if not fire and forget. Defined in seconds. Default: 30. Optional.


Specifies if the call to Documaker is fire and forget. Default is: true, Optional


Specifies that document production in Documaker can happen asynchronously. Default is false, Optional

Fusion Load and Import Data (FUSIONLOAD)

The following Type Config fields can be used:

Field Description


Used as a part of the UploadToUCM request. The document title must be unique in order to be accepted by UCM. The document title is constructed from concatenating the documentTitlePrefix with the unique ID of the Exchange that was used to upload the document.


Used as a part of the UploadToUCM request. Must match the document author that is configured in Fusion. Optional


Used as a part of the UploadToUCM request. Must match the document security group that is configured in Fusion.


Used as a part of the UploadToUCM request. Must match the document account that is configured in Fusion.


Used as a part of the request that submits a job to load data from the zip file into Fusion’s open interface tables. Must match the load job package name that is configured in Fusion.


Used as a part of the request that submits a job to load data from the zip file into Fusion’s open interface tables. Must match the load job definition name that is configured in Fusion.


Used as a part of the request that submits a job to load data from the zip file into Fusion’s open interface tables. Lists identifiers to the job parameters that must be passed to Fusion for the load job. The identifiers must be the names of Exchange properties. At the time the job parameters are collected to be communicated to Fusion, these Exchange properties must have a value. The order in which these are specified determines the order in which the (values for these) job parameters are passed to Fusion. Optional.


In combination with the loadJobTimeOutUnit, determines the duration that Oracle Insurance Gateway keeps polling for the load job to reach an end state from the moment the job was submitted to Fusion. If the timeout period is reached before the status of the job reaches an end state, Oracle Insurance Gateway marks the Exchange as Failed. Defined in seconds. Default: 300. Optional.


Defines the interval used by Oracle Insurance Gateway to check the status of the load job. Defined in seconds. Default: 60. Optional.


Used as part of the request that submits a job to import data from the open interface tables into Fusion. Must match the import job package name that is configured in Fusion.


Used as a part of the request that submits a job to import data from the open interface tables into Fusion. Must match the import job definition name that is configured in Fusion.


Used as a part of the request that submits a job to import data from the open interface tables into Fusion. Lists identifiers to the job parameters that must be passed to Fusion for the import job. The identifiers must be the names of the Exchange properties. At the time the job parameters are collected to be communicated to Fusion, these Exchange properties must have a value. The order in which these are specified determines the order in which the (values for these) job parameters are passed to Fusion. Optional.


In combination with the importJobTimeOutUnit, determines the duration Oracle Insurance Gateway keeps polling for the import job to reach an end state from the moment the job was submitted to Fusion. If the timeout period is reached before the status of the job reaches an end state, the Oracle Insurance Gateway marks the Exchange as Failed. Defined in seconds. Default: 1200. Optional.


Defines the interval used by the Oracle Insurance Gateway to check the status of the import job. Defined in seconds. Default: 60. Optional.

Fusion Submit Job (FUSIONSUBM)

The following Type Config fields can be used:

Field Description


Must match the job package name that is configured in Fusion.


Must match the job definition name that is configured in Fusion.


Lists identifiers to the job parameters that must be passed to Fusion for the job. The identifiers must be the names of Exchange properties. At the time the job parameters are collected to be communicated to Fusion, these Exchange properties must have a value. The order in which these are specified determines the order in which the (values for these) job parameters are passed to Fusion. Optional.


In combination with the jobTimeOutUnit, determines how long the Oracle Insurance Gateway keeps polling for the job to reach an end state from the moment that the job was submitted to Fusion. If the timeout period is reached before the status of the job reaches an end state, the Oracle Insurance Gateway marks the Exchange as Failed. Defined in seconds. Default: 300. Optional.


Defines the interval used by the Oracle Insurance Gateway to check the status of the job. Defined in seconds. Default: 60. Optional.

Fusion Run Report (FUSIONREPT)

The report output is made available as a data file in a data file set. The following Type Config fields can be used:

Field Description


The output format of the requested report. Valid values are dictated by Fusion, for example: csv, xml.


The locale selection for the report. Example: en-AU.


The template to apply to the report. Must match the Fusion configuration.


The absolute path to the report in the BI Publisher repository. Must match the Fusion report configuration.


List of name-value Properties. The property values must refer to the names of Exchange properties. At the time the parameters are collected to be communicated to Fusion, these Exchange properties must have a value. Optional


This type requires no Type Config to be setup.