Integration Setup Overview

This guide describes the steps to configure an Integration. Integration refers to a configuration within Oracle Insurance Gateway through which a scenario that requires "Integration between systems - where at least one of the systems is an Oracle Health Insurance application"; gets realized.

Each integration may consist of the following routines:

  • collect data from source system,

  • invoke external processes,

  • transform the data,

  • deliver data to a single or multiple target systems,

  • executing subflows in parallel or in sequence.

The following diagram shows the main configuration items for setting up an Integration:


Setting up an integration means configuring integration steps and building blocks to realize integration use cases having Oracle Health Insurance applications as source or target.

For example, to extract member data from Policies for use in a data warehouse, the following steps must be performed:

  • get data from Policies;

  • transform data from Oracle Health Insurance format to data warehouse format;

  • deliver data to an endpoint from where data warehouse picks it up.

Configure the Integration with the following integration steps:

  • Extract Step - An extract step specializes in getting data from Oracle Health Insurance applications. To configure such a step, building block Destination must be set up first. The Destination configuration specifies the endpoint (The Oracle Health Insurance application) from where data must be collected. Destination, in turn, uses building blocks Credential and Properties to configure the authentication and endpoint details.

  • Transform and Delivery - A transformation step is meant to handle data transformation - from raw payload to file; file to file; and file to raw payload - supporting all popular payload and file formats. A delivery step is meant to deliver a (transformed) payload to a configured endpoint. A transformation step requires building block Dynamic Logic. Dynamic Logic facilitates the transformation using the object-oriented Groovy language. The delivery mechanism uses building block Destination. Here, the destination configuration specifies the endpoint (data warehouse) to which the data in its final form must be delivered.

To support a large number of integration use cases, integration steps may be combined. An integration can consist of one or more Data Collection Steps, invoke process steps, transform steps, delivery steps and subflow steps. As in the above example, steps may require building blocks to build the desired functionality.

Building blocks typically consists of setting up:

  • Credentials: to reach out to a system that requires Authentication and Authorization.

  • System Properties: to set up context/URL of endpoints to complete an integration. Examples of system properties are to set up the Authentication Mechanism to reach out to the system with the credentials set up or to set up endpoint URLs to reach out to systems to gather data or deliver data.

  • Destinations: setting up a destination means specifying all the metadata that Oracle Insurance Gateway needs to communicate with another system e.g. for making a POST request to Policies the address (endpoint) is needed as well as credential information. The gateway supports different types of destination configurations. For more details refer to the chapter on destination.

  • Dynamic Logic: Groovy logic to express certain behavior in an object-oriented language. Groovy scripts are invoked at various instances when the integration is executed, for example: for data transformation; to decide if an integration step should be invoked or not.